
Restaurant Reviews App 👉🏾See README below before running it!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

Development local API Server

Location of server = /server Server depends on node.js LTS Version: v6.11.2 , npm, and sails.js

Please make sure you have these installed before proceeding forward.

Install project dependancies
# npm i
Install Sails.js globally
# npm i sails -g
Start the server
# node server

You should now have access to your API server environment

debug: Environment : development debug: Port : 1337

To Run The App


For Python2:

At the root folder, use python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 at the command line. Then type localhost:8080 into your browser

For Python3:

At the root folder, use python3 -m http.server 8080 at the command line. Then type localhost:8080 into your browser

Open a separate command line and type 'node server' to luanch sails as stated earlier.

======================== SPECIFICATIONS ===============================================

### Restaurant Reviews: Stage 3

# Functionality


User Interface

Users are able to mark a restaurant as a favorite, this toggle is visible in the application. A form is added to allow users to add their own reviews for a restaurant. Form submission works properly and adds a new review to the database.

Offline Use

The client application works offline. JSON responses are cached using the IndexedDB API. Any data previously accessed while connected is reachable while offline. User is able to add a review to a restaurant while offline and the review is sent to the server when connectivity is re-established.

# Responsive Design and Accessibility


Responsive Design

The application maintains a responsive design on mobile, tablet and desktop viewports. All new features are responsive, including the form to add a review and the control for marking a restaurant as a favorite.


The application retains accessibility features from the previous projects. Images have alternate text, the application uses appropriate focus management for navigation, and semantic elements and ARIA attributes are used correctly. Roles are correctly defined for all elements of the review form.

# Performance

Site Performance

Lighthouse targets for each category exceed:

Progressive Web App: >90
Performance: >90
Accessibility: >90