Parameter values being Overlapped by Radar Chart
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@Slothfulwave612 I faced an issue while creating the radar charts for individual players. The parameter values were overlapped due to the 2nd concentric circle.
When compare='False' i.e. single player radar chart, the 2nd concentric circle overlaps the parameter values.
I think to correct that in line 257 of "" : instead of 'zorder=zorder_circle+1' it should be 'zorder=zorder_circle'
NEW>> line 257 : circle_2 = plt.Circle(xy=(0, 0), radius=rad, fc='none', ec=radar_color[1], lw=lw_circle, zorder=zorder_circle)
as for the circle_1, zorder = zorder_circle and it doesn't overlap the parameter values, hence it should be similar for circle_2
Kindly please check if this is correct and if there is any other way to tackle this problem please let me know.
Thank You.