
GUI does not render at all; is "invisible"

bradenbest opened this issue · 7 comments

I can't even get the damn thing to start. I just get the FTB splash screen with "loading..." and another, blank window titled "First Run", and it just hangs there...for eternity.

OS: GNU running Linux 4.x 64-bit, APT/Debian package base
JRE: Java 7 (1.7.0_95) OpenJDK build 24.95-b01, mixed
Command: java -jar FTB_Launcher.jar

The terminal is not printing any errors. If I add > /dev/null to dock the stdout stream, it will print nothing at all.

In fact, the log messages that print are all successful. It ends in a language file being loaded, followed by an eternal hang.


Here's a screenshot of my desktop. As you can see, it has been "running" for almost ten minutes.

Update: I tried clicking the blank window visible below the splash screen, and got a dropdown selection box. I..guess..I can try to find my way through the invisible GUI.

So it's not an infinite hang, it seems, but the GUI doesn't render correctly. This really should be looked into.

which distro and UI are you using?


Ubuntu 14.10 LTS, I believe. Here's my uname:

$ uname -a
Linux braden-Leopard-WS 4.2.0-30-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 26 00:58:07 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

And the UI is DWM. I can try loading it in other WM/DE's, but I doubt it'll make a difference, since they all run on top of X11, which does the actual drawing.

I usually don't have problems with Java UI, for the record. At the worst, a dropdown box's contents will show at some place far away from the actual dropdown box when I click it.

Here is a screenshot of the most immediate example of what I referred to in the last reply:

As you can see, JavaUI runs just fine, ignoring a few quirks..

Update: after almost 20 minutes of trying unsuccessfully to navigate the invisible GUI, I went ahead and ran it on my Windows box for a visual reference. I managed to fill out the form and I have a GUI running right now:

However, I will not close this issue, as the "First Run" form still doesn't render any of the GUI elements. This is a serious bug that needs to be fixed. I even mistook it as the launcher freezing/going into an infinite loop.

This will be a thorn in a lot of Linux users' sides. As it was for me.

Thank you.

How we can fix a serious which is unreproduciably by us and by other users? Also I've rewritten that dialog but code is unfinished. Might fix this or not.