
Issues with the new update

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hey it's me again, so theres 2 issues with the new update:

  1. being that if you already saved a maplestrike with a grip on your last login, the gun will still have a grip even though the slot is removed
  2. being that hypertech skins act weird with specific sights/scopes, i'll provide you with screenshots below.

Screenshot (783)
Screenshot (784)

  1. Doesn't seem too problematic, IMO. Most servers will wipe eventually, or their Maplestrike will be lost for some other reason. These shouldn't be automatically stripped as weapons can have attachments despite lacking the slot for it (e.g., quest rewards, or simply intrinsic to the weapon itself like the PDW).

  2. This is due to the skin supporting layered materials. It's technically displaying correctly (due to a bugfix in this patch), although the contrast is definitely a lot. Maybe it makes sense to change Hypertech specifically? (E.g., adding secondary mats for 8x, 16x, and Chevron - or removing layered support.)

Makes sense, also one more important thing regarding to the previous issue i was discussing about with the glitch bases in rocks at pei, the barrier solved the issue but only partially, since bases can still be made in the grass layer above the rocks in the hilly terrain, as players can place bedrolls.
Screenshot (785)

To clarify -- are they still abusing an out-of-bounds exploit, or is this due to them already having bedrolls placed prior to the update? (In addition to the kill barriers, this update also reverted a change that made getting out-of-bounds easier.)

To clarify -- are they still abusing an out-of-bounds exploit, or is this due to them already having bedrolls placed prior to the update? (In addition to the kill barriers, this update also reverted a change that made getting out-of-bounds easier.)

They are still abusing the out of bounds exploit.

Re the grass: I pushed kill volumes up as close to the surface as I felt was reasonable, but unfortunately indeed there is still a bit of a gap there. 😞