
New Mod Hook / Script request

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi Nelson, I am not sure if this is the right place for this request but I don't know where to comminucate with you any other.

There are scripts for "Rocket", "Deadzone Volume", "Kill Volume" and even "Landscape Hole Volume". So maybe you can add something called "Water Hole Volume" which removes water inside the box trigger. This would be very helpful for naval mods. If there is already something for this, my bad I didn't know.

Thats good so we can fınd its script and use on vehicle mod and stuff. People already been using devkit scripts in their mods, but i didnt see this script so i guess its hidden

hey uhh i guess i found it inside SDG.Framework.Water there is a WaterVolume script i will try.

I ripped off WaterVolume script and tried on my mod. Unfortunately we can't remove water. This thing just creates a water and removes its surface. Water is still there.


using UnityEngine;

namespace SDG.Framework.Water
    public class WaterVolume : MonoBehaviour
        protected bool _isSurfaceVisible;
        protected bool _isReflectionVisible;
        protected bool _isSeaLevel;

Sorry, the closest would be the "depth mask" trick used by water vehicles like boats that hide the water surface in shallows.

🥺 thanks