
ParameterProcessor::processValue will not allow blank

mbtreetime opened this issue · 4 comments

So if I have a field with default of blank not null, I can't use setValue with '' to make it blank

SampleField      varchar(50)     default ''  not null,


            if ($value === '' || $value === []) {
                throw new ValidationException(sprintf('The parameter "%s" must not be empty.', $parameter->getName()));

Maybe adding a separate setBlank method?

Or is there another way to achieve this?

I removed that condition from my install to get it to work.

I was looking for other options:

                converter: 'randomText'
                    min_length: 0
                    max_length: 0

Would this work? But it was not exactly what I was thinking.

Edit: realized afterward that there is a min_length of at least 3.

guvra commented


At first, I though you had an issue with the converter randomText, but in fact your issue is that the converter setValue does not allow setting an empty string, right?

I'll look into it.
There are two ways to solve this:

  • Adding a new converter that forces an empty string (e.g. setBlank)
  • Allowing empty values in the converter setValue
guvra commented

Fixed in release 2.3.2.

You can now use this, like in versions <2.1.0:

                converter: 'setValue'
                    value: ''