
Setup Upgrade Fails when Module is Enabled

NathanDayMF opened this issue · 6 comments


Magento Version: OS 2.3.4
Module Elasticsuite Cms Search Version : 2.2.6
Environment : Developer
Third party modules : N/A

Sample Data Enabled

Steps to reproduce

  1. php bin/magento mod:en Smile_ElasticsuiteCms
  2. php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Expected result

  1. setup:upgrade completes with no errors

Actual result

  1. setup:upgrade fails with error Incorrect theme identification key on Module 'Magento_ConfigurableSampleData': Running data recurring...

after a bit of debugging issue is thrown during Smile\ElasticsuiteCms\Model\Page\Indexer\Fulltext\Action\Full::rebuildStoreIndex

commenting out $this->areaList->getArea(Area::AREA_FRONTEND)->load(Area::PART_DESIGN); within the aforementioned function allows the setup:upgrade to complete, can anyone explain why this line is needed?

I'm able to reproduce this on an existing project having a custom theme defined.

However, I'm not able to reproduce it on a raw Magento install (with Luma theme).

So that's a first insight, I'm gonna dig more on this one.


Looks like this :

And this : magento/magento2#27180

The ConfigurableSampleData module does trigger a full reindex, which is an idiotic behavior.

It's doing this by emulating the crontab area which would fail if there is no theme defined for crontab.

I don't see much to do more than handling silently this exception in such case.

Fixed, I release a minor 2.2.7

Hi there,
seems like your commit has not found its way into 2.2.8? Why? 🤔

So in other words, I got the same error when installing version 2.2.8. If I downgrade to 2.2.7 everything works fine 😅
Thanks for checking it again in advance.