
Solution to a task on water simulation algorithm

Primary LanguageC++

Water Simulation

Water simulation task requirements

During the Computer Graphics course students of the CMC Faculty of Lomonosov MSU are offered to solve a task on water simulation algorithm and create a scene using the algorithm.

Obligatory requiremnts are as following:

  1. using at least 3 different objects (pool walls and bottom are 2 different objects);
  2. using at least 1 light source;
  3. realistic lighting;
  4. water should be transparent;
  5. controlling with keys.

Students are also offered to perform additional features.

I implemented more complex version of the task using OpenGL3, shaders (besides basic vertex and fragment shaders I also use geometric shader) and calculations on a GPU.




  1. WASD - camera moving;
  2. mouse - camera turns (as in shooter games);
  3. SPACE - add extra (random) perturbations;
  4. Q - start/stop wireframe visualization;
  5. F5 - start/stop the simulation;
  6. ESC - close window.

Extra features implemented on the scene:

  1. Using textures (pool tiles);
  2. advanced camera controlling;
  3. interactivity (you may add perturbations using SPACE key);


Solution to the task is written on C++: main.cpp.

you need to have OpenGL3, glfw3, glew, X11, SOIL, glm libraries installed.

To install them do:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
$ sudo apt install libglew-dev
$ sudo apt install libglm-dev
$ sudo apt install libx11-dev
$ sudo apt install libsoil-dev

For more information about libraries used: CMakeLists.txt.

To compile the program do:
$ cmake .
$ make -j 4

To run the program do:
$ ./WaterSim