
feature: Telegram Webhook

NovaLuvsPython opened this issue · 3 comments

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Telegram Option
Instead of sending the info to discord make a second option (telegram) people can choose.
Ive been banned on 4 accs on discord within 1 week because of malware, but when i tried using Blanks grabber with tg its still lasting with 1 month without term.

so please add it many people would like that. 😎

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don't talk about it on discord then lol. discord won't ban you because of webhooks. telegram is on the 'to do list'

don't talk about it on discord then lol. discord won't ban you because of webhooks. telegram is on the 'to do list'

Yes they do. Maybe they didnt before, but recently i got banned on multiple accounts. Accounts i never used for anything but grabbers sending to webhook. I suspect this is a new thing discord are doing, havent had the problem before.

Nice telegram is on the go do list :)
Also would be nice if you could add self hosted webhooks, like python flask webhooks. Is there any reason that dont work?

thats never happened to me and i test loads of shi on my account. maybe its because u dont have 2fa or an email or phone number they flag your account.