
Not getting roblox info

anyud2 opened this issue · 4 comments

What Did You Expect To Happen?

get roblox cookies (and sent it to my webhook like on the pic or sum)

What Happened?

didnt get any roblox info not in the zip nor the discord

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Which Options Did You Select?

Discord Info, Games, Wifi Info, Ping, System Info, Browser Info, Roblox Info, File Pumper, Webcam, Wallets

How Did You Build The File?

Standard Python

Did You Bind The File?


Check the following before submitting (If Applicable)

  • I have checked the existing issues
  • I have followed the installation steps
  • I have attempted to resolve my problem by myself

its buged not work for me eather

and your sure there is roblox info that is actually retrievable

yes i was logged in on web and exe too

im not too sure ill be honest. check your browser cookies and see if the robo one is in there