
Scheduler don't run (0X1)

waxweazle2001 opened this issue · 17 comments

I got the newest Version of the Snapraid GUI, I set a schedule to write the data to the parity but i noticed as i sync the data the day after that the schedule don't run.
Now i saw that the schedule give the last run result of (0x1), so i asked google and they said that I should set up "run with highest privileges", I want to do this and have it optimized for win 10 pro but when i gave my password in the box then the elucidate give me an failure and cant set the option. Any Idea??

It's not so good if I can't be sure that the server make the sync in the night when i set it, if any hdd make a fault i don't can restore the data. So it would be nice if it runs, although i don't find the schedule in the windows schedules as it was in earlier versions is this right?


The Schedule functionality is provided by a nuget package, so cannot comment, on it too much.
What was the failure ?
I'm not sure what you mean by you last question?

I mean that in the old Version the Schedule was also visible in the Windows Schedule Plan now there is no Schedule if I make one in the Snapraid GUI.
The failure was (0x1), here is the Screenshot:


and as I read about the failure you should check the "run with highest privilege" box. But if i do so, and after I wrote in my Password the GUI make the following failure:


Hope this helps.

I'm having the same issue. After a sync schedule is setup it won't run. it just reports as completed with 0x1.
The manual sync runs fine. There must be something wrong in the command line. This is what gets put in the arguments line:
-File "C:\Program Files\Elucidate\Elucidate GUI\snapraid.ps1" -exe "C:\Snapraid\snapraid.exe" -args "--log "C:\ProgramData\Elucidate\logs<DATETIME> sync.log" -c "C:\Snapraid\snapraid.conf" sync"

No matter if I try to run this from your GUI or from task manager it won't execute a sync. OK after I try to paste the argument line it leaves out some backslashes. It looks ok in the edit box but as soon as I update the comment the slashes disappear. There is a backslash right before the C":\ProgramData and right after the -c.

Just installed the new release and if fixed my issue. Thanks.

I still have this problem even in newest version. Manually syncing in main tab is ok but not working in Schedule tab. After clicking RUN it shows a powershell and just disappears.
Typing the commend it like this screenshot:

I'll see if I can recreate the issue.

I reproduced it only 1 time and can't again. The code looks correct so I'm thinking the scheduler nuget package might have/had a bug. I'll commit an update to the packages. (#55)
Update NuGet Packages and re-issue installer

CommandLine 2.50 -> 2.60
KryptonToolkitSuite5472 5.472.1222 -> 5.472.1251
NLog 4.6.5 -> 4.6.5
ByteSize 2.0.0-alpha2 -> 2.0.0-beta1
TaskScheduler 2.8.11 -> 2.8.15
TaskSchedulerEditor 2.8.11 -> 2.8.15

I updated. No any improvement.

A note: I use Win 2008 Server. Scheduler DOES NOT run.
My son uses Win 2016 server his DOES run.
OS issues?

OK, here is what I did to get them to run in Server 2008. Seems like the snapraid.exe is blocked.
So in properties I unblocked it. It is running now on the scheduler.


I am using Windows10 Pro and has no block. Still cannot run in the scheduler.

Run it directly from the scheduler. That is where I found a popup that stopped me from running. See if you are getting a popup.

Another issue here is if building from source the powershell script is not signed and therefor will fail to run in the scheduler.

@BlueBlock Do you think that this script should be removed and replaced with just calling Elucidate with the commandLine actions ?