
Error renaming the content file (Input/Output Error [5/123])

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello Smurf-IV,

as the long time passes through I wanted to do a Full Sync again but I got this Error when starting the sync, after the Verifiing of the HDDs.

"2023-12-28 18:09:41.9471 [19] WARN: Elucidate.Controls.RunControl: Unexpected Windows error 123.
2023-12-28 18:09:41.9471 [19] WARN: Elucidate.Controls.RunControl: Error renaming the content file 'F:/.tmp' to 'F:/' in rename(). Input/output error [5/123]. "

I delete the old content Files, because the new snapraid Version (12.2) don't recognize the content Files anymore. Because of that i wanted to do a Full Sync.

Do you have an Idea on this Error?



I found the solution myself, in the new snapraid Version you must specify the name of the content-file, which was not neccesary in the old Version.
After specifying the name of the content File the Sync worked well.

Thanks for the update.

  • Those messages come from SnapRaid not Elucidate
  • I have not come across a problem with the -F option (I did it last at beginning December '23)