
Looks nice but how it works?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Fossdroid community!
The site looks awesome and I like the recommendations and categories but if I download and install a app how will be upgraded? Fdroid app or Fdroid like app stores?
Sorry if a noob question

basxto commented

As long as it mirrors F-Droid’s APKs, F-Droid will be able to update it. The APK only needs to be signed with the same key.

The burger menu also has a link to F-Droid. If you have a way to open that in F-Droid, you can also install it via the F-Droid app. With fennec -> share URL -> LinkSheet -> F-Droid it works for me, but there are probably more ways to do that. F-Droid and Neo Store can work with F-Droid URLs.