
How to refresh IP Address ?

beshoo opened this issue · 3 comments

First of all, great app.
Logging to the proxy via CURL is not working.
How can we refresh the IP address when we run the HTTP server? like refresh each 5 sec
I tested
./opera-proxy -refresh 0h0m5s

but it does not work!


[MAX]root:[/download]curl -v -k --proxy https://2399AE80BD3A20A2E6487D88CD9E5622A78F65C9:eyJhbGciOiJFQ0RILUVTK0EyNTZLVyIsImN0eSI6IkpXVCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJlcGsiOnsia3R5IjoiRUMiLCJjcnYiOiJQLTI1NiIsIngiOiI0SGhobWVBb1pqTjRmQy10WmdDeGF6X01lTlFfZ0R3dFpLcWV1N1dEaTZjIiwieSI6ImJoY3BfakxtSkdYZnR2NDdOUG1Gd3RaWENkZHdzaEgwa1QwaHd6ckpSM3cifX0.QBiHAyB-JeuvgjrcQuM_TFjNnOMNtor8I1QV8FuXFxJq99sfWX51LA.aMqKUp7D3IvwzkRl.ju9JEu-uTtOdwllPvk0g8MOeBE5_1TfLqKsGuLXxJeyxKwExyYvwENyOKhCtKj91MOYdyQGQftuEMvIYn90hCZkuMCuvMMkWbv99SckIvk5goRX4QzmIMKG2OkffgOIvqrSmd2nV38_Oyu1weAEri5ZOGroOKeVbWC_WVcOov0QwWUlCjYgzAEqqRQmkpsBvW78Le0p5Cmqm3tdm8So6mwQejhnBmyPvtM0RfNDRC8Br1N6Dp8NuYAanav6CWISV3yTYq8iRrFJw-_S-18G0b-W6Ml1JYm-76FP7ZwHq8aSRcTkq2Q4Tfk48cL9JIucurB4a8OfRO5eKNc3ipWTRABD_9m3SWJam8ibBDvng-3JNWYvONtyIvMvQRmFb7u86ibDjUcwhnwBd1WfQeQohkpUVyvbNHg5A3KoSeD_naqY3DkuZxPQxBNxACHbBitDJ-k03sXhDYg.CdBHkv0Qc1k0s7LvFoNG8w@
* About to connect() to proxy port 443 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to
* Proxy auth using Basic with user '2399AE80BD3A20A2E6487D88CD9E5622A78F65C9'
> Host:
> Proxy-Authorization: Basic MjM5OUFFODBCRDNBMjBBMkU2NDg3RDg4Q0Q5RTU2MjJBNzhGNjVDOTo=
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
* Proxy CONNECT aborted
* Connection #0 to host left intact
curl: (56) Proxy CONNECT aborted


How can we refresh the IP address when we run the HTTP server? like refresh each 5 sec

This feature is not implemented and not planned. --refresh option is supposed to rotate credentials.

Regarding second question see #7.

First of all, I want to thank you for this great work.
I have an idea regarding this and it may change your mind.
I know that the reason behind "feature is not implemented and not planned" is the limited number of ips you get back when you ask for the proxy list. that is why you advise other users to use Hola proxy.

Opera has a large, very large IPv6 pool.
when you ask for the proxy list, you have the connector to opera servers but not the exit node ip.
you can check that by going to ip2location proxy, you will find a different Ip Address from the one you used.

So the idea is to restart the connection at a time interval as refresh which will give us a new exit node.
this will give us more performance and stability.
I can kill the process and restart it but this is not an ideal way to do it.

please kindly reconsider your decision.

With best regards