
I keep making new dotfiles repos

Primary LanguageVim Snippet

With age, comes jade

Idk if that's proper English.

Anyway, my dotfiles are mainly a place for me to keep track of configs, and it's crazy how much changes over the years. If you look at the 2022 or even 2023 branches, you'll see a tonne of stuff.

2022 was the put everything in your dotfiles year, that didn't work out.

2023 was the excessive theming and color changing years.

Now in 2024, I feel like I'm more subdued. My config is as minimal as possible, with all I need being fish (with starship), wezterm, tmux and neovim. Nothing else needs a configuration. I used to put all my GTK themes and all in my dotfiles but all that doesn't matter now. I guess fonts would be nice, but that's all clutter.

Maybe I'll put the fonts down here as a reminder to myself.


  • Inter
  • Geist
  • JetBrains Mono

Also, keyd is a bit different. Add the contents of keyd.conf to /etc/keyd/default.conf after installing keyd.

On KDE, install Kwin Rectangle, then copy over keyboard shortcuts