
Is ID to username broken again?

darthclide opened this issue · 6 comments

python -i 534895514

comes back with

File "", line 138, in
File "", line 121, in main
username = useridToUsername(
File "", line 58, in useridToUsername
File "", line 18, in checkTokens
File "", line 28, in getTokens
query_hash = re.findall(r'{value:!0});const o="(.*?)"', r)[0]

Yeah, i think so, i have the same problem here

Snbig commented

Thank you for your notifications.
The problem Fixed by 43d83c7 commit.

Awesome. Works fine now. May I ask why you think they changed it? (just curious)

Snbig commented

Awesome. Works fine now. May I ask why you think they changed it? (just curious)

Sometimes they change the query_hash variable. So to extract its value we have to update the regex which indicates to new variable.

Hmm, I guess I was hoping you could guess "why" they change it. Security I guess?

is broken again.