The NPM module "Request" was removed with MagicMirror
This has led to the fact that MagicMirror can no longer be started under Docker, for example. With this fork, the deprecated npm module "Request" is installed locally in the module's directory.
This a module for the MagicMirror².
This module can display information from Home Assistant using the home assistant REST API.
Using many of the features:
- Adding the "value" to the name.
- Adding time to the name column.
- Hiding the unit it from the "unit" column.
- Hiding the value in from the "value" column.
- Using "pictures" from the entity.
- Using different "pictures" for different values.
- Using different "icons" for different values from the Material Design Font.
- Replacing "values" with defined values.
- Setting a "default" icon from the Material Design Font.
In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
Clone this repository:
git clone
Enter the folder:
cd MMM-homeassistant-sensors
Install dependencies.
npm install
The configuration can be very simple, from just displaying a simple value from a senor, to parsing the sensorvalue and changing it to different pictures depending on the value. It's all up to you.
Option | Required | Default | Description |
prettyName |
No | true |
Pretty print the name of each JSON key (remove camelCase and underscores). |
stripName |
No | true |
Removes all keys before the printed key. Example: a.b.c will print c . |
title |
No | 'Home Assistant' |
Title to display at the top of the module. |
host |
Yes | 'hassio.local' |
The hostname or ip adress of the home assistant instance. |
port |
No | 8321 |
Port of homeassistant e.g. 443 for SSL. |
https |
Yes | false |
Is SSL enabled on home assistant (true/false) |
token |
Yes | '' |
The long lived token. |
fade |
No | 100 |
When updating the values, this is the time (in milliseconds) the "table" fades out and in again. |
updateInterval |
No | 300000 |
The time between updates (in milliseconds) (300000 = 5 minutes). |
id |
No | false |
If you want to refresh the values on this specific instance from HA via notifications, send "REFRESHVALUESX" (X = your id). If you send just "REFRESHVALUES" all instances values will be refreshed. |
controlsensor |
No | 'sensor control disabled' |
The HA sensor you want to use to trigger to show the module when the defined value is present. |
controlsensorvalue |
No | 'sensor control disabled' |
The value the above HA sensor must have to show the module. A boolean here is a good way to show and hide the module. |
displaySymbol |
No | true |
If you don't want either "icons" nor "pictures" in your list, set it to false. |
displaydates |
No | false |
If you want to show dates for last update by default. This can be turned off or on for each sensor as well. |
displaytimes |
No | false |
If you want to show times for last update by default. This can be turned off or on for each sensor as well. |
notificationOnly |
No | false |
Don't show any sensors, just send a notification based on notificationConditions. |
dateformat |
No | 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
See moments for more date format options. |
timeformat |
No | 'HH:mm:ss' |
See moments for more time format options. |
rowClass |
No | 'small' |
Changing the font size, Possible values: 'small' , 'normal' , 'big' Default value: 'small' |
debuglogging |
No | false |
Enable logging into /home/pi/.pm2/logs/mm-error.log (true/false). |
noaddress |
No | 'away' |
If address field is "undefined" or "null" on the sensor, this string will be displayed instead of the address. |
values |
No | [] |
Specify specific values from the json feed to only show what you need (entity_id). Check the options! |
Option | Type | Description |
sensor |
entity_id |
Entity ID from Home Assistant. Please have a look at the states pages for the unique entity_id of your sensor. |
name |
string |
You can specify a name that will be displayed instead of the one from HA. |
divider |
number |
You can specify a number (or calculation) that the value should be divided by. |
multiplier |
number |
You can specify a number (or calculation) that value should be multiplied by. |
round |
boolean |
true or false if you want to round the value to max two decimals. |
displayvalue |
boolean |
Set to false to not display the state in the value column. |
useValue |
false |
Set this to true to use the sensor value instead of the sensor state |
displayunit |
boolean |
Set to false to not display the unit in the unit column. |
defunit |
string |
You can specify a unit that will be displayed instead of the one from HA. |
attribute |
string |
You can specify a specific attribute from the sensor that will be displayed instead of the state (attribute can NOT contain a multidimensional array). |
valueSeparator |
string |
If your attribute is an array, you can specify what to separate the values with here (default is | (pipe)). |
highAlertThreshold |
number |
You can specify a number, if the value/state of the sensor is higher then this the row will blink and turn red. |
lowAlertThreshold |
number |
You can specify a number, if the value/state of the sensor is lower then this the row will blink and turn blue. |
highDisplayThreshold |
number |
You can specify a number, if the value/state of the sensor is higher then this the sensor will be shown in the table. |
lowDisplayThreshold |
number |
You can specify a number, if the value/state of the sensor is lower then this the sensor will be shown in the table. |
highDisplayClass |
string |
You can specify a class for the high value, if the value of the sensor is higher then the highAlertThreshold this class will be used. |
lowDisplayClass |
string |
You can specify a class for the low value, if the value of the sensor is lower then the lowAlertThreshold this class will be used. |
displayWhenEqualTo |
string |
You can specify a string/number/boolian, if the value/state of the sensor is equal to what's specified the sensor will be shown in the table. |
icons |
array |
Define specific icons for spesific values/states (see example below). You can use the icon names from the: MaterialDesignIcons. |
replace |
array |
Define specific values/states that will be owerriden by the specified values. |
notificationName |
string |
Name of the notification to send from this notification. Example: "Home" |
notificationConditions |
array |
See section below for details. This is required to send a notification. |
Option | Required | Type | Description |
stateVals |
Yes | array |
What values the notification should trigger on |
negState |
No | boolean |
True if you want the state to be negated. As in, looking for NOT stateVals. Default false |
notificationVal |
Yes | Any |
The value of the notification when trigger is met |
notificationValNeg |
No | Any |
The value of the notification when trigger is not met (optional) |
- Possibility to use %v% in the name and/or unit strings to get the "state" string from the sensor.
- Possibility to use %u% in the name strings to get the "unit" string from the sensor.
- Possibility to use %d% in the name and/or unit strings to get the "last update date" string from the sensor.
- Possibility to use %t% in the name and/or unit strings to get the "last update time" string from the sensor.
- Possibility to use %r% in the name and/or unit strings to get the "last update time" as a readable ("4 hours ago") string from the sensor.
- Possibility to use %m% in the name and/or unit strings to get the "last update time" as a moments string (instead of a the HA string) from the sensor.
- Possibility to use %a% in the name and/or unit and/or replacement value array to get a sensors "address" property. If you use google location sharing you can get the current address of a "device".
value | Icon | Description |
value |
icon-name |
You can define a specific MaterialDesignIcons icon or the URL to a picture for a specific value. |
default |
icon-name |
The default icon for the sensor (if nothing else is specified). |
Value | New Value | Description |
value |
your new value |
You can define a specific value the will be replaced with this value. |
module: 'MMM-homeassistant-sensors',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
port: "8123",
https: false,
token: "YOUR OWN",
values: [
sensor: "sensor.vind_temperature",
sensor: "sensor.vind_humidity",
- Picture changes depending on status (on/off).
- Values are replaced (on/off) to (in/out).
- Adding values and time to the "names" using the "templates" %v% and %t%.
- Hiding the value from the "value" column.
module: 'MMM-homeassistant-sensors',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
port: "8123",
https: false,
token: "YOUR OWN",
values: [
sensor: "binary_sensor.pet_cappuccino",
name: "Cappuccino went %v% %t%",
displayvalue: false,
icons: [{
"off": "",
"on": ""
replace: [{
"on": "in",
"off": "out"
sensor: "binary_sensor.pet_kakan",
name: "Kakan went %v% %t%",
displayvalue: false,
icons: [{
"off": "",
"on": ""
replace: [{
"on": "in",
"off": "out"
Added the following to my custom.css
.ha-img {
height: 60px;
width: 60px;
- Icon changes depending on status (on/off).
- Values are replaced (on/off) to (Working/Idle).
module: 'MMM-homeassistant-sensors',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
port: "8123",
https: false,
token: "YOUR OWN",
values: [
sensor: "binary_sensor.washing_machine",
name: "Washing Machine",
icons: [{
"off": "washing-machine-off",
"on": "washing-machine"
replace: [{
"on": "Working",
"off": "Idle"
sensor: "binary_sensor.dishwasher",
name: "Dishwasher",
icons: [{
"off": "dishwasher-off",
"on": "dishwasher"
replace: [{
"on": "Working",
"off": "Idle"
module: 'MMM-homeassistant-sensors',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
port: "8123",
https: false,
token: "YOUR OWN",
// Only sends the notification, does not show any information
notificationOnly: true,
updateInterval: 15 * 1000, // 15 seconds
values: [
sensor: "sensor.pixel_6a_wifi_connection",
notificationName: "HOME",
// Will send a notification titled "HOME", with value true, when the pixel phone connects to a wifi named "MyWifi" or "MyWifi5G"
// Will send a notification titled "HOME", with value false, when the pixel phone is not connected to these wifi networks.
notificationConditions: [
stateVals: ["MyWifi", "MyWifi5G"],
notificationVal: true,
notificationValNeg: false
module: 'MMM-homeassistant-sensors',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
port: "8123",
https: false,
token: "YOUR OWN",
title: 'Information',
values: [
sensor: "device_tracker.360_kidswatch_xplora4",
name: "Louise är %v%",
displayvalue: false,
replace: [{
"home": "hemma",
"not_home": "ute",
sensor: "device_tracker.google_maps_109299643857913851232",
name: "Camilla är %v%",
displayvalue: false,
replace: [{
"home": "hemma",
"not_home": "ute",
sensor: "device_tracker.google_maps_105082325528346759172",
name: "Erik är %v%",
displayvalue: false,
replace: [{
"home": "hemma",
"not_home": "ute",
sensor: "sensor.vind_temperature",
name: "Temp på vinden %t%",
icons: [{
"default": "thermometer"
sensor: "sensor.vind_humidity",
name: "Fukt på vinden %t%",
icons: [{
"default": "water-percent"
sensor: "sensor.vardagsrum_temperature",
name: "Temp i Vardagsrummet %t%",
icons: [{
"default": "thermometer"
sensor: "sensor.vardagsrum_humidity",
name: "Fukt i Vardagsrummet %t%",
icons: [{
"default": "water-percent"
sensor: "sensor.krypgrund_temperature",
name: "Temp i Krypgrunden %t%",
icons: [{
"default": "thermometer"
sensor: "sensor.krypgrund_humidity",
name: "Fukt i Krypgrunden %t%",
icons: [{
"default": "water-percent"
sensor: "media_player.snilles_tv",
name: "Just nu är TV:n",
icons: [{
"default": "television-off",
"off": "television-off",
"on": "television"
replace: [{
"on": "På",
"off": "Av",
"unknown": "Av"
sensor: "sensor.tv_on_today",
name: "Timmar TV:n varit på idag",
defunit: " ",
sensor: "binary_sensor.pet_cappuccino",
name: "Cappuccino gick %v% %t%",
displayvalue: false,
icons: [{
"off": "",
"on": ""
replace: [{
"on": "in",
"off": "ut"
sensor: "sensor.cappuccinos_outside_time_today",
name: "Timmar ute idag:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "sensor.cappuccinos_trips_outside_today",
name: "Antal gånger ute idag:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "sensor.cappuccino_outside_yesterday",
name: "Timmar ute igår:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "sensor.cappuccinos_trips_outside_yesterday",
name: "Antal gånger ute igår:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "binary_sensor.pet_kakan",
name: "Kakan gick %v% %t%",
displayvalue: false,
icons: [{
"off": "",
"on": ""
replace: [{
"on": "in",
"off": "ut"
sensor: "sensor.kakans_outside_time_today",
name: "Timmar ute idag:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "sensor.kakans_trips_outside_today",
name: "Antal gånger ute idag:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "sensor.kakan_outside_yesterday",
name: "Timmar ute igår:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "sensor.kakans_trips_outside_yesterday",
name: "Antal gånger ute igår:",
defunit: " ",
replace: [{
"unknown": "0",
sensor: "binary_sensor.washing_machine",
name: "Tvättmaskinen",
icons: [{
"off": "washing-machine-off",
"on": "washing-machine"
replace: [{
"on": "På",
"off": "Av"
sensor: "binary_sensor.drying_cabinet",
name: "Torkskåpet",
icons: [{
"off": "tumble-dryer-off",
"on": "tumble-dryer"
replace: [{
"on": "På",
"off": "Av"
sensor: "binary_sensor.dishwasher",
name: "Diskmaskinen",
icons: [{
"off": "dishwasher-off",
"on": "dishwasher"
replace: [{
"on": "På",
"off": "Av"
sensor: "binary_sensor.coffee_maker",
icons: [{
"on": "kettle",
"off": "kettle-off"
replace: [{
"on": "På",
"off": "Av"
sensor: "binary_sensor.espresso_machine",
icons: [{
"off": "coffee-off",
"on": "coffee"
replace: [{
"on": "På",
"off": "Av"
- Michael Teeuw for creating the awesome MagicMirror2 project that made this module possible.
- tkoeberl for creating the initial module that I used as guidance in creating this module.