
Requested features | 已收集的建议

liulex opened this issue · 60 comments

Here summarizes all the requested features and would keep updating. You can vote for/against them, though I don't promise they would all be implemented.

For discussion, please go the corresponding issues. Please do NOT comment under this issue. All comments will be deleted immediately.

About Snipaste Pro


欢迎到相应的 issue 补充你的意见或者提供任何帮助。但请不要在此帖下面留言,所有留言会被立即删除

关于 Snipaste 专业版

macOS version development progress:

  • 70%
  • 72%
  • 75%
  • 80%
  • 85%
  • 99%
  • 100%

masOS 版开发进度:

  • 70%
  • 72%
  • 75%
  • 80%
  • 85%
  • 90%
  • 99%
  • 100%

Linux version development progress:

  • 40%
  • 100%

Linux 版开发进度:

  • 40%
  • 100%
  • Plugin/script system #250
    • Pixel ruler #203
    • Add custom border (shadow etc.) when saving to image #197
    • Size annotation #256
    • RTF (to HTML) to image #293

  • 插件/脚本系统 #250
    • 标尺 #203
    • 截图/贴图保存时添加外边框(如阴影等)#197
    • 尺寸标注 #256
    • RTF(转 HTML 再)转图片 #293

GIF recording
No plan. Please try LICEcap, ScreenToGif, etc.

GIF 录制
无计划。请使用 LICEcapScreenToGif 等软件。

Game screenshot
No plan. Please use your games' built-in screenshot taking tools instead.


  • Capture scrolling window #19

  • 滚动截屏/截长图 #19
  • Open and edit image file directly, instead of its copy, via command line or context menu #16

  • 以命令行方式/右键菜单方式支持直接编辑图像文件,而非副本 #16

2.8 Pro

  • QR code reader #23

  • 二维码识别 #23


  • Input the area size when snipping #28

  • 截图时可手动输入区域大小 #28
  • Customize the action combination on screenshot done #38

  • 自定义截图完成的动作组合 #38
  • Move an image window to a preset position by hotkey #40

  • 通过快捷键将贴图移动到指定位置 #40
  • When an image file(s) is selected, press the hotkey for paste to pin it to screen #44
  • Use --paste-files with Windows Registry

  • 选中文件的时候,按贴图键直接贴出选中文件 #44
  • 在注册表项中使用 --paste-files
  • Stitch images of multiple windows into one #45

  • 多个贴图拼接 #45
  • Save the current image group to some folder #54

  • 贴图组另存为 #54


  • Customize the zoom scale for the magnifier #56

  • 自定义放大镜倍数 #56
  • Image upload/share #60

  • 图片上传/分享 #60


  • 截图/贴图复制为文件 #78 #769

2.4 Pro

  • Allow to set the background color of annotation / the outline color for text #83

  • 设置标注的背景色、文字描边颜色等 #83

2.4.1 Pro

  • [x ] Dashline annotation #92

  • [x ] 虚线标注 #92


  • Convert image to grey scale #127

  • 贴图转灰度图像 #127
  • Try to copy gif in an animation format #156

  • 尝试以动图格式复制 gif #156
  • Send image to an external image editor #159

  • 图片发送到外部编辑器 #159


  • Program name blacklist for global hotkeys #84 #160

  • 全局快捷键黑名单 #84 #160
  • Try to handle html format with web images #161

  • 贴图尝试处理含网络图片的 HTML 格式 #161
  • Optimize website access speed for snipaste's official site #162

  • 优化官网访问速度 #162
  • Specify the color depth when saving an image #163

  • 设置图片保存时的颜色深度 #163
  • Add download links for history versions on website #170

  • 官网添加历史版本下载链接 #170


  • Pause global hotkeys #171

  • 暂停全局热键 #171


  • Do not quit snipping when a screenshot is taken and saved, so as to take sequential screenshots #173

  • 截图完成后不退出,以连续截图 #173
  • Align the image windows to some pattern #183

  • 贴图自动排列 #183
  • Optical Character Recognition #188

  • OCR 文字识别 #188

2.6 Pro

  • Zoom-in annotation #193

  • 局部放大镜标注 #193
  • Compress the image before sent to clipboard #201

  • 压缩复制到剪贴板中的图像 #201


  • Allow to set mouse click-through state for an individual image window #206

  • 对单个贴图设置鼠标穿透 #206
  • Sort/Preview the image groups #223

  • 贴图组排序、预览 #223
  • Copy the image path after it's saved to file #225

  • 图片被保存后自动复制其路径 #225

2.4 Pro

  • Number marking #227


  • Customize how to display the alpha channel of images #239

  • 自定义贴图透明通道显示效果 #239
  • [Mac] Embed ICC profile into image #239

  • [Mac] ICC profile 内嵌支持 #239


  • Zoom image at mouse cursor #277

  • 以鼠标位置为中心缩放贴图 #277
  • Customize the actions on entering snipping #283

  • 自定义进入截图的组合动作 #283


  • 'Reset image' also works in thumbnail mode #280

  • 重置贴图操作对缩略图也起作用 #280


  • Remember more than one snipped area and switch between them by pressing multiple times of R or Shift + R #249

  • 记忆多个历史截图区域,通过多次按下 RShift + R 进行切换 #249


  • Allow to freely resize each thumbnail #284

  • 允许自由调整缩略图状态的贴图大小 #284


  • Whiteboard mode #150


  • Loop history snipping areas

  • 循环选择历史截图区域


  • Arbitrary pen width #276

  • 连续调整画笔粗细 #276
  • Add scrollbars to the image window

  • 贴图增加滚动条
  • Enhance 'Send to printer' #324

  • 增强“发送到打印机” #324

Pro v2.2.2

  • Support virtual desktop #328

  • 适配虚拟桌面 #328
  • Provide a fast way to adjust the transparency of annotation #338

  • 快速调整标注的透明度 #338
  • Customize what to reset when resetting the image window #340

  • 自定义贴图重置的行为 #340
  • Add visual hints when aligning an image window to the border of another window #341

  • 贴图对齐提示 #341


  • Support multi-selection of image windows #345


  • Let the cursor icon reveal the pen size #352

  • 光标图案体现画笔粗细 #352
  • Allow to set the DPI of output image #357

  • 允许设置输出图像的 DPI #357


  • Customize the page margin for image-to-text conversion #359

  • 自定义文字转图片的边距 #359


  • Allow to navigate into the parent/child element when detecting UI elements #362

  • 检测界面元素时可切换至当前元素的父/子元素 #362


  • Support environment variables in folder paths #367

  • 存储路径支持环境变量 #367