
--include <tag> --exclude <tag> not working as expected

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Having an issue with test filtering logic when trying to use both --include and --exclude options.

Using this dummy suite:

*** Settings ***
Documentation     Foo 1

Library           DataDriver
...    reader_class=tests\\foodriver\\

Test Template    Foo Template

Default Tags    default
#Force Tags    forced

*** Variables ***

*** Test Cases ***
Execute Toolchain for ${fooarg}

*** Keywords ***
Foo Template
    [Arguments]    ${fooarg}
    Log    ${fooarg}

And custom driver:

from DataDriver.AbstractReaderClass import AbstractReaderClass
from DataDriver.ReaderConfig import TestCaseData

class foo_reader(AbstractReaderClass):

    def get_data_from_source(self):
        return self._read_file_to_data_table()

    def _read_file_to_data_table(self):
        test_data = []
        flipflop = True
        for i in range(6):
            args = {'${fooarg}': i}
            tags = ["flop"]
            if flipflop:
                tags = ["flip"]
                flipflop = False
                flipflop = True
            test_data.append(TestCaseData(f"Test {i}", args, tags))
        return test_data

robot --include default --include flipORflop tests\foodriver -> 6 cases
robot --include default --include flip tests\foodriver -> 3 cases
robot --include default --exclude flip tests\foodriver -> 0 cases (expected 3)
robot --include default --exclude NOTflip tests\foodriver -> 0 cases (expected 3)

(seems to be working similarly also when 'default' is forced)

Good Morning,

have you tested it with the current release 1.4.1?


Wow, that was fast. Works like a charm. Thank you very much! :)