
Black textures in Italy and West Coast

stefo-beam2drive opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm sorry if I just installed something wrong. I reinstalled the textures 3 times.
But they were black in WC and Italy, can someone help me?

@stefo-beam2drive It is possible that there are files in your terrainMaterialCache folder with different capitalization.

Try completely clearing the folder and rerunning the script.

If that still does not work you can try to generate your own textures with

curl | python3 - west_coast_usa


curl | python3 - italy

I just tried that in West Coast, but I got the error: "Non-Steam is not supported right now..."

Here's a picture:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-09 um 15 27 31

I just fixed the maps!!!
I took the textures here:
put them into the art folder, and they work!!