
Repository-PBR-Textures (Motorsports Playground)

JonLit opened this issue · 3 comments

Mod name
Motorsports Playground

URL on Website

URL to archive with cached files

GitHub File Upload would be really nice instead of relying on third-party cloud services (so that I could upload the .zip File directly attached to this "issue")

GitHub File Upload would be really nice instead of relying on third-party cloud services (so that I could upload the .zip File directly attached to this "issue")

Unfortunately GitHub only allows filesizes up to 25MB

There is probably a nicer way of doing this by utilizing pull requests and storing the textures inside the repo itself rather than the releases.

I've added a new release. Thank you!

Hi, I think the textures are outdated, I repeated the process, here are the new ones

Thanks, i've updated the release