
Test-ServiceNowURL does not account for URL with a - character

Tuttu opened this issue · 4 comments

Tuttu commented


Operating System: Windows 10 1909
ServiceNow module version: v3.0
PowerShell version: 5.1

Steps to reproduce

The URL to access to my ServiceNow instance is quite long and made of multiple part. It also contains a - character that is not allowed by the RegEx used to test the URL (Yeah, there are really that many part in the URL I need to call).
$SNSession = New-ServiceNowSession -Url 'rct-servicenow.part1.part2.part3.domain.tld' -Credential $Cred

Expected behavior

A new ServiceNow session should be created

Actual behavior

An error message is thrown because the URL is not validated by the RegEx

New-ServiceNowSession : Cannot validate argument on parameter «Url». The expected URL format is
Tuttu commented

Maybe I should change this to Test-ServiceNowURL does not account for URL with a special characters so that it also includes _, @ and other similar characters?

Hi @Tuttu. Is '.domain.tld' a custom domain or ''? I'm wondering if I can make the assumption that the url will always be ''. If so, that would make the regex pretty simple. Otherwise, I'll look to enhance the regex to include special characters.

Tuttu commented

Hello @gdbarron.

In my case, domain.tld is a local domain and it's not an alias that's pointing to something else. I have to go to rct-servicenow.something.something.something.mydomain.local for the pre-production environment and to servicenow.something.something.something.mydomain.local for the production environment.
So if you want to account for all kind of supported characters in a URL (Or at least the most common ones), I guess it's better to change the various \w by something more complete.

The validation wasn't providing much value so I just removed it.