
Adding Attachment to 'sc_task' Table Not Working

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Operating System: Windows 10
ServiceNow module version: 3.1.1
PowerShell version: Windows PowerShell 5.1

Steps to reproduce

Try to add an attachment to a catalog task in table "sc_task"

Expected behavior

Attachment is added

Actual behavior

Attachment is added to table "Catalog Task" which is not valid for our environment.

I've developed a PR that should fix this, will link shortly. Basically, it appears that for our environment, adding an attachment to the "sc_task" table fails because the new auto-table-recognition code tries to add it using the "sys_class_name" which is "Catalog Task" and does not work in our environment.

I.E it was doing Task instead of table_name=sc_task

The PR will basically just use the Table name parameter that is passed in, if present, rather than trying to do the automatic table recognition.
