
Incomplete results returned with IncludeCustomVariable

shimonek opened this issue · 4 comments


Operating System:  Server 2012 R2, Server 2016
ServiceNow module version:  3.1.3, 2.4.1
PowerShell version:  5.1.14393.4583, 5.1.14409.1018

Steps to reproduce

Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table 'Requested Item' -IncludeCustomVariable -Filter @('number', '-eq', 'RITM0124161') | select -exp CustomVariable

Expected behavior

Should return Name, DisplayName and Value columns populated with custom variable information.

Actual behavior

Returns Name and DisplayName columns but the Value column is blank.

I am able to retrieve variable information using this function:

function Get-RITMVariables {
    param ([String] $RITM)

    $variables   = @()
    $options     = Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table sc_item_option_mtom -Filter @('request_item', '-like', $RITM) -IncludeTotalCount
    try {

        foreach ($option in $options) {

            $sys_id     = $option | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sc_item_option | Select-Object -ExpandProperty display_value
            $itemOption = Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table sc_item_option -Filter @('sys_id', '-eq', $sys_id)

            if ($itemOption.item_option_new -match '^.+\/item_option_new\/(?<ion>.+)}$') {
                $itemOptionNew = Get-ServiceNowRecord -Table item_option_new -Filter @('sys_id', '-eq', $($matches.ion))

                $variables += [PSCustomObject] @{
                    name       = $
                    type       = $itemOptionNew.type
                    question   = $itemOptionNew.question_text
                    value      = $itemOption.value

        New-LogEntry -Ticket $RITM -Function 'Get-RITMVariables' -Entry "Found $($variables.Count) variables"
    } catch {

        New-LogEntry -Ticket $RITM -Function 'Get-RITMVariables' -Entry "Failed retrieving variables"
        New-LogEntry -Ticket $RITM -Entry $Error[0].Exception -Error

    Return $variables


Hello @shimonek. Is there a specific field type that is missing a value?

Btw, you can just use Get-ServiceNowRecord RITM0124161 -IncludeCustomVariable. No need to specify the filter or table.

All of the fields are missing values. Thanks @gdbarron.

Get-ServiceNowRecord RITM0124161 -IncludeCustomVariable | select -exp customvariable

Name DisplayName Value

variables.SLT_EOB_phoneext Phone Extension (if available)
variables.SB_EOB_region Region?
variables.SLT_EOB_alttitle Role/Title in Offer Letter?
variables.SB_EOB_AVRD Azure Virtual Desktop required
variables.SLT_EOB_firstname First Name
variables.REF_EOB_TCGROUP Local ITSS Group
variables.SLT_EOB_lastname Last Name?
variables.SLT_EOB_middleinitial Middle Initial?
variables.MLT_EOB_Addinfo Use this space to add any additional information re: special rights/priveleges/role
variables.REF_EO_location Physical Location?
variables.D_EOB_CampDate Camp Session
variables.SB_EOB_jobtype Job Type:
variables.REF_EOB_HRC HR Contact
variables.SLT_EOB_title Level/Title?
variables.SLT_EOB_dept Department?
variables.SLT_EOB_username AD username (if available)
variables.SLT_EOB_preferredname Preferred Name (re-enter First Name if blank on notification)
variables.MC_EOB_phonetype Phone Type
variables.REF_EOB_ITSS_orient REF_EOB_ITSS_orient
variables.REF_EOB_manager Hiring Manager
variables.SLT_EOB_empID Candidate ID?
variables.SB_EOB_active Currently Active Employee?
variables.SB_EOB_camptrack Camp Track
variables.MLT_EOB_ITSetupNotes IT Setup Notes
variables.SLT_EOB_country Country
variables.SLT_EOB_HRCemail HR Contact email
variables.SLT_EOB_phoneDID Direct Dial number (if available)
variables.SLT_EOB_HireType Hire Type?
variables.REF_EO_PU Office?
variables.D_EOB_start_date Start Date

@shimonek, I wasn't able to repro, but there were components of your code that I really liked so I merged it with what was there. I was able to reduce the 3 api calls to 1.