
Please include item type email (26) when filtering custom variables

WWoIT opened this issue · 0 comments

WWoIT commented

Summary of the new feature/enhancement

When querying request items containing a custom field of type email, the data is not available through your module, because type 26 is not included in the custom variable type filter.

Proposed technical implementation details (optional)

One of the custom fields in the form I'm using is of type e-mail, and consequently I have had to modify Public\Get-ServiceNowRecord.ps1 when processing custom variables, to include type '26' (email):
Filter = @('request_item', '-eq', $record.sys_id), 'and', @('sc_item_option.item_option_new.type', '-in', '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,16,18,21,22,26')

If you could please include this item type when retrieving custom variables that would save me having to make this change manually, and may help others.

Thanks, and great module!