
Error when using -IncludeCustomVariable: Id must either be a SysId 32 character alphanumeric or Number with prefix and id.

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Operating System: Windows 11
ServiceNow module version: 4.0.3
PowerShell version: 5.1

Steps to reproduce

Include custom variables on a request or catalog item that are blank, not filled out or otherwise do not have a "value" returned from sc_item_option_mtom.

This is a continuation of #234.

Expected behavior

The custom variable is not further enumerated in the sc_item_option_mtom table and not added to $record.CustomVariable result object.
The original sc_item_option.Value id number should be retained for performing additional metadata lookup later on if needed

Actual behavior

Throws error listed below - this can occur multiple times for each custom variable on a catalog item that does not have a "value"

Get-ServiceNowRecord : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ID'. Id must either be a SysId 32 character alphanumeric or Number with prefix and id.
At C:\Users\...\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ServiceNow\4.0.3\Public\Get-ServiceNowRecord.ps1:368 char:117
+ ... on.item_option_new.reference' -ID $var.'sc_item_option.value' -Proper ...
+                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Get-ServiceNowRecord], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Get-ServiceNowRecord

