
Updating dmn_demand_task is not working

Opened this issue · 5 comments


Operating System: windows server 2019
ServiceNow module version: 4.0.3
PowerShell version: 5.1.17763.5576

thanks for the module. it is really helpful.
However, it seems there is something wrong for some table more especially dmn_demand_task.

Steps to reproduce

when using update-servicenowRecord specifically for dmn_demand_task
the table used by GET is correct but not by PATCH, we can see that from the original table dmn_demand_task, the table is "converted" to demand task

Expected behavior

dmn_demand_task updated properly

Actual behavior

input table dmn_demand_task "converted" into demand task


Update-ServiceNowRecord -values @{"work_notes"= "test"} -PassThru -Table dmn_demand_task -id DMNTSK0000374 -Verbose
VERBOSE: New-ServiceNowQuery - Advanced
"ContentType": "application/json",
"UseBasicParsing": true,
"Method": "Get",
"Uri": "",
"Credential": {
"UserName": "..."
"Body": {
"sysparm_display_value": "true",
"sysparm_limit": 10,
"sysparm_fields": "sys_class_name,sys_id,number",
"sysparm_query": "number=DMNTSK0000374"
VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type application/json;charset=UTF-8
DEBUG: {"result":[{"sys_id":"04e613ab871b6150b216c8040cbb35d4","number":"DMNTSK0000374","sys_class_name":"Demand Task"}]}
VERBOSE: Total number of records for this query: 1
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Update values" on target "Demand Task 04e613ab871b6150b216c8040cbb35d4".
"ContentType": "application/json",
"UseBasicParsing": true,
"Method": "Patch",
"Uri": " Task/04e613ab871b6150b216c8040cbb35d4",
"Credential": {
"UserName": "..."
"Body": [
123, ...
VERBOSE: PATCH Task/04e613ab871b6150b216c8040cbb35d4 with -1-byte payload
Invoke-WebRequest : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ServiceNow\Private\Invoke-ServiceNowRestMethod.ps1:144 char:21

It looks like providing -Table isn't overriding the class name as it should. Let me dig in and find the issue. Thanks for reporting this.

@walispeed I've installed PPM Standard to replicate your issue exactly and I'm unable to do so. The update works as expected. Have you made any changes to the module, eg. updating the list of tables in main.json?

Hi @gdbarron,
I don't think I changed anything in the module. We're running washingtondc version and maybe we customized things at serviceNow level, do you think it can create that behavior ?
Or a lack of permission maybe ?

Update : the current service account has no rights to write on this table, maybe then the message we receive from the module is missleading (400 - bad request) should be more a 401 - Unauthorized

hey @gdbarron,
I confirm I did not change anything in the module.
I have the same behavior with project task pm_project_task

"ContentType": "application/json",
"UseBasicParsing": true,
"Method": "Get",
"Uri": "",

"ContentType": "application/json",
"UseBasicParsing": true,
"Method": "Patch",
"Uri": " Task/272ee88e87d982d0026f87f30cbb3562"

The table used in the uri used by the Get is not the same as the one for the Patch

Hi @walispeed. Can you confirm you are using 4.0.3 of the module? Also, can you provide all the steps you are running starting with New-ServiceNowSession? I see multiple differences in your verbose output from mine. I've tested on multiple machines with v5 and v7.