
lisp + mori, sweet.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


lisp + mori, sweet.js


ki is a lisp with Clojure data structures and semantics that can be intermixed with Javascript code at any level.

ki is a thin macro layer on top of mori plus a few constructs.

ki is in flux, feel free to test it out but expect glitches.

Currently available functions / special forms

All of mori

The following (growing) list of functions / special forms

fn if when cond and or letv do prn js


Require ki (this in turns expands into an appropriate require for mori)

ki require core

Mori's persistent data structures and Clojure(Script)-like api at your fingertips

var foo = ki (vector 1 2 3)
ki (conj foo 4)
// => [1 2 3 4]

Plus lambdas

ki (map (fn [a] (inc a)) (range 5))
// => (1 2 3 4 5)

Interoperability: write js in a ki form

var fn1 = ki (js function (a,b) { return a + b + 2; })

at any level - e.g. you can use infix where it makes sense

var fn2 = ki (fn [a b] (js a + b + 2))

and you can use ki wherever in js code

function somefunc (a) {
  ki (clj_to_js (filter (fn [el] (is_even el)) (range a))).forEach(function(el) {
  return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].filter(ki (fn [el] (is_even el)));
// => 0 
// => 2 
// => 4 
// [0 2 4]

Like a pro

ki (take 6 (map (fn [x] (js x * 2)) (range 1000)))
// => (0 2 4 6 8 10)

Get it

First install sweet.js if you don't have it already

$ npm install -g sweet.js

Note that sweet.js 0.4.0 is required, so make sure it's up to date

$ npm update -g sweet.js


$ npm install ki

All set. Now to compile a ki js file into a plain js file do

$ sjs -m ki/macros -o foo_build.js foo.js

To watch the file and have it automatically compiled whenever the file changes on disk

$ sjs -m ki/macros -o foo_build.js -w foo.js


MIT license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php/

Copyright (C) 2014 Luca Antiga http://lantiga.github.io