Hub Workshop - Swift

Installing Swift

If you haven't already installed Swift, install it :

  • On Fedora, use dnf install swift-lang
  • On macOS, install Xcode

If you use VSCode, you can install the official plugins for Swift.

0. Hello, World!

File: hello.swift

Create a hello.swift script that prints 10 times a hello world to the standard output. You are expected to use a loop.

Note: Check out The Swift Programming Language

1. Toilets

File: toilets.swift

Clone this repository, and look at the toilets1.json file. This file includes information about some public toilets in Paris.

Using Codable, parse the JSON into a Toilet structure.

Note: You can use Data(contentsOf:) to load a json from a local file.

Print the address of each toilet.

2. Adapt

File: toilets.swift

Modify your code to work with toilets2.json. You should reuse your Toilet structure.

Note: not all the fields have to be in your structures, only the fields that you need for your program

3. Network

File: toilets.swift

Modify your code to get the data from

The documentation of the API can be found here.

4. Package

Use swift package init to create a Swift Package. Move your code to the Swift Package. You are expected to add a executable target to your Package.swift.

You should be able to build with swift build and run your executable with swift run.

Note: swift package init --help

5. Swift Argument Parser

Add a dependency to Swift Argument Parser. You must use it to parse a options to pass to the API.

An error should be shown if an entered value is not valid.


$ swift run Toilets --help
USAGE: toilets [--rows <rows>] [--start <start>] [--type <type>] [--near <near>] [--pmr]

  --rows <rows>           The number of rows to show (default: 10)
  --start <start>         The number of initial rows to skip (default: 0)
  --type <type>           The type of toilet to search for
  --near <near>           The GPS coordinates and distance for the geofilter
  --pmr                   Only show accessible toilets
  -h, --help              Show help information.
$ swift run Toilets --rows 3 --start 7 --near 48.819,2.362,5000

$ swift run Toilets --rows hello
Error: The value 'hello' is invalid for '--rows <rows>'
Help:  --rows <rows>  The number of rows to show
Usage: toilets [--rows <rows>] [--start <start>] [--type <type>] [--near <near>] [--pmr]
  See 'toilets --help' for more information.

6. Protocols

To make your code more robust, and to make your code more easily testable, we can use Protocols.

Protocols describe a behavior, so that multiple structures can behave in a similar way while staying different.

Complete the following class, implementing the ToiletInteractor.

protocol ToiletIteractor {
    func getToilets(rows: Int, start: Int, type: String?, near: String?, pmr: Bool) throws -> [Toilet]

class APIToiletInteractor: ToiletInteractor {
    func getToilets(rows: Int, start: Int, type: String?, near: String?, pmr: Bool) throws -> [Toilet] {

Your command line tool should create an instance of this APIToiletInteractor class and call its getToilets function.

7. Local implementation

If your computer is offline, using the API won't work. However, we can still use toilets2.json! It is not updated as frequently as the API, but it can work as a backup.

Create a LocalToiletInteractor class, which implements ToiletInteractor too, but uses a local file, such as toilets1.json or toilets2.json (your choice).

Your LocalToiletInteractor could use different methods on Array to skip start elements, filter by type, and keep rows elements.

8. Your own API (bonus)

Make your own API, compatible with your APIToiletInteractor. Your APIToiletInteractor should be able to contact your own API, and your API will use a LocalToiletInteractor to serve the data.

You should use to implement the web server.