
This project introduces two Python scripts which uses OpenCV's trained Face Detection Neural Network to detect faces from images and videos.

Primary LanguagePython


Using OpenCV's inbuilt model for Face Detection.


OpenCV provides a very accurate inbuilt face detection model. In this project, I've used that model and created my own face detection project.

  1. The script to detect faces (face_detector.py) from images is inside the image folder. The image must also be placed inside this folder with the name image.png
  2. The script to detect faces (face_detector.py) in video is inside the video folder
  3. The information about the model is present inside model_data folder
  4. Pipfile, Pipfile.lock and requirements.txt are useful for setting up the environment.
  5. Readme.md includes project's documentation


You can setup using either of the two methods below.

Setup (Pipenv Virtual Environment)

  1. Clone the project to your local system
  2. Navigate inside the project directory on your local system inside the terminal
  3. Install all dependencies using pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
  4. Start environment with pipenv shell

Setup (pip3)

  1. Clone the project to your local system
  2. Navigate inside the project directory on your local system inside the terminal
  3. Install all dependencies using pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Detecting faces in Image

  1. Place the image in the folder image with the name image.png
  2. Run the face_detector.py inside image folder using python image/face_detector.py

Detecting faces in Video

  1. Run the face_detector.py inside video folder using python video/face_detector.py