Just a SoCal Muhreen that has a niche for newer, sometimes unusual kind of tech.
The Black Hand Ltd/Respect Few Fear None CorpsWest Los Angeles, CA
Pinned Repositories
A portable 8086 emulator written in Java and JavaFX
Automatically exported from
Magisk Module that allows you to run "adb root". Android 10 only. Probably will work with Android 9. Definitely not with Android 11/12.
Install ADB Tool Kits to android devices.
All in One Root and ClockworkMod Scripts for various android phones
Android Library Finder
Android application to manage file synchronization
SoCalDevilDawg's Repositories
Install ADB Tool Kits to android devices.
Android Library Finder
device tree for samsung galaxy s6 flat and edge
Script for integrating root into Sony kernel images
Shell scripts that help install and setup Arch Linux
Allows setting-up the state and value of progress shown in taskbar icon/button (Win7+).
/ ==UserScript== // @name Sajan // @namespace // @version 1.8.4 // @description WheelChair // @author hrt x ttap x MasterP // @match *://* // @run-at document-start // @require // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== WebFont.load({ google: { families: ['Roboto'] } }); (function () { const options = { aimbot: true, silentAim: false, boxEsp: true, boxColor: "rgba(244,100,80,1)", weaponEsp: true, healthEsp: true, nameEsp: true, chams: true, autoReload: true, autoJump: true, orgNameTags: false, aimThroughWalls: false, chamsColorStr: "rgba(255,0,0,1)", chamsRed: 255, chamsBlue: 0, chamsGreen: 0 }; window.options = options; const styles = { fontFamily: "Roboto", gui: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 250 }, itemHeight: 28, setup: { background: "#0B132B", color: "#4c698d", fontSize: "16px", header: { color: "#839cbc", fontSize: "20px", borderBottom: "#3A506B", paddingBottom: 20 }, steps: { background: "white", selected: "#5BC0BE", } }, profiles: { background: "#090F22", borderBottom: "#4c698d" }, folder: { header: { color: "#4c698d", fontSize: "15.4px", background: "#0B132B" } }, item: { color: "#839cbc", fontSize: "13.2px", background: "#1C2541" }, button: { background: "#1C2541", lineTop: "#5BC0BE", color: "#4c698d" }, checkbox: { background: "#242f53", checkedBg: "#5BC0BE", hovered: "rgba(91,192,190,0.3)" }, input: { background: "#242f53", color: "#4c698d", cursor: "#839cbc" }, select: { background: "#242f53", color: "#4c698d", hovered: "#3A506B" }, option: { background: "#242f53", color: "#4c698d", hovered: "#3A506B", hoveredColor: "white", outline: "#0B132B" }, slider: { background: "#242f53", color: "#5BC0BE", slider: "#5BC0BE", hovered: "#3A506B" } } let lastValues = {} var hideHook = function (fn, oFn) { fn.toString = oFn.toString.bind(oFn); } const menu = new MyGUI(false, 0, 0, 250, 250, styles, "wheelchair", 1) menu.remember(window.options) = menu; const poweredWheelAimbot = menu.addFolder("Aimbot", true) const poweredWheelVisuals = menu.addFolder("Visuals", true) poweredWheelAimbot.add("Aimbot", window.options, "aimbot", "Check") poweredWheelAimbot.add("Silent Aim", window.options, "silentAim", "Check") poweredWheelAimbot.add("Auto Reload", window.options, "autoReload", "Check") poweredWheelAimbot.add("Aim Through Walls", window.options, "aimThroughWalls", "Check") poweredWheelVisuals.add("Game Esp", window.options, "orgNameTags", "Check") .onChange((val) => { if (val) { window.options.nameEsp = false; window.options.boxEsp = false; window.options.weaponEsp = false; window.options.healthEsp = false; } }) poweredWheelVisuals.add("Name Esp", window.options, "nameEsp", "Check") .onChange((val) => { if (val && window.options.orgNameTags) window.options.orgNameTags = !window.options.orgNameTags }) poweredWheelVisuals.add("Box Esp", window.options, "boxEsp", "Check") .onChange((val) => { if (val && window.options.orgNameTags) window.options.orgNameTags = !window.options.orgNameTags }) poweredWheelVisuals.add("Weapon Esp", window.options, "weaponEsp", "Check") .onChange((val) => { if (val && window.options.orgNameTags) window.options.orgNameTags = !window.options.orgNameTags }) poweredWheelVisuals.add("Health Esp", window.options, "healthEsp", "Check") .onChange((val) => { if (val && window.options.orgNameTags) window.options.orgNameTags = !window.options.orgNameTags }) poweredWheelVisuals.add("Chams", window.options, "chams", "Check") poweredWheelVisuals.add("Box Color", window.options, "boxColor", "Color") poweredWheelVisuals.add("Chams Color", window.options, "chamsColorStr", "Color") .onChange((val) => { const { 1: r, 2: g, 3: b } = val.match(/rgba\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),\d+\)/) window.options.chamsRed = (r - 0) / (255 - 0) window.options.chamsGreen = (g - 0) / (255 - 0) window.options.chamsBlue = (b - 0) / (255 - 0) }) window.hrtCheat = function (me, inputs, world, consts, math) { var controls = world.controls; const SHOOT = 5, SCOPE = 6, xDr = 3, yDr = 2, JUMP = 7, CROUCH = 8; var isEnemy = function (player) { return ! || != }; var canHit = function (player) { return null == (window.options.aimThroughWalls ? world.canHit(me, player.x3, player.y3 - player.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst, player.z3) : world.canSee(me, player.x3, player.y3 - player.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst, player.z3)) }; var normaliseYaw = function (yaw) { return (yaw % Math.PI2 + Math.PI2) % Math.PI2; }; var dAngleTo = function (x, y, z) { var ty = normaliseYaw(math.getDirection(controls.object.position.z, controls.object.position.x, z, x)); var tx = math.getXDir(controls.object.position.x, controls.object.position.y, controls.object.position.z, x, y, z); var oy = normaliseYaw(controls.object.rotation.y); var ox = controls.pitchObject.rotation.x; var dYaw = Math.min(Math.abs(ty - oy), Math.abs(ty - oy - Math.PI2), Math.abs(ty - oy + Math.PI2)); var dPitch = tx - ox; return Math.hypot(dYaw, dPitch); }; var calcAngleTo = function (player) { return dAngleTo(e.x3, e.y3 + consts.playerHeight - (consts.headScale + consts.hitBoxPad) / 2 - e.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst, e.z3); }; var calcDistanceTo = function (player) { return math.getDistance3D(player.x3, player.y3, player.z3, me.x, me.y, me.z) }; var isCloseEnough = function (player) { var distance = calcDistanceTo(player); return me.weapon.range >= distance && ("Shotgun" != || distance < 70) && ("Akimbo Uzi" != || distance < 100); }; var haveAmmo = function () { return me.ammos[me.weaponIndex]; }; // runs once if (!window.init) { window.init = true; /*************************************/ /* crimpeek / faster bullets removed */ /*************************************/ window.drawVisuals = function (c, scalingFactor, perspective) { if (!window.ctx) { window.ctx = c.getContext("2d") } c = window.ctx; var scaledWidth = c.canvas.width / scalingFactor; var scaledHeight = c.canvas.height / scalingFactor; var worldPosition =; for (var i = 0; i < world.players.list.length; i++) { var player = world.players.list[i]; var e = players[i]; if (e.isYou || ! || !e.objInstances || !isEnemy(e)) { continue; } // find min x, max x, min y, max y // optimisation: we can already tell what ymin ymax is var xmin = Infinity; var xmax = -Infinity; var ymin = Infinity; var ymax = -Infinity; var br = false; for (var j = -1; !br && j < 2; j += 2) { for (var k = -1; !br && k < 2; k += 2) { for (var l = 0; !br && l < 2; l++) { var position = e.objInstances.position.clone(); position.x += j * consts.playerScale; position.z += k * consts.playerScale; position.y += l * (consts.playerHeight - e.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst); if (!perspective.frustum.containsPoint(position)) { br = true; break; } position.project(; xmin = Math.min(xmin, position.x); xmax = Math.max(xmax, position.x); ymin = Math.min(ymin, position.y); ymax = Math.max(ymax, position.y); } } } if (br) { continue; } xmin = (xmin + 1) / 2; ymin = (ymin + 1) / 2; xmax = (xmax + 1) / 2; ymax = (ymax + 1) / 2;; c.scale(scalingFactor, scalingFactor) // perfect box esp var distanceScale = Math.max(.3, 1 - math.getDistance3D(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z, e.x, e.y, e.z) / 600); c.scale(distanceScale, distanceScale); var xScale = scaledWidth / distanceScale; var yScale = scaledHeight / distanceScale; ymin = yScale * (1 - ymin); ymax = yScale * (1 - ymax); xmin = xScale * xmin; xmax = xScale * xmax; if (window.options.boxEsp) { c.lineWidth = 5; c.strokeStyle = window.options.boxColor; c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(xmin, ymin); c.lineTo(xmin, ymax); c.lineTo(xmax, ymax); c.lineTo(xmax, ymin); c.lineTo(xmin, ymin); c.stroke(); } // health bar if (window.options.healthEsp) { c.fillStyle = "rgba(255,50,50,1)"; var barMaxHeight = ymax - ymin; c.fillRect(xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight); c.fillStyle = "#00FFFF"; c.fillRect(xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight * ( / e.maxHealth)); } // info var x = xmax + 7; var y = ymax; c.fillStyle = "white"; c.strokeStyle = 'black'; c.lineWidth = 1; if (window.options.nameEsp) { c.font = "60px Roboto"; c.fillText(, x, y); c.strokeText(, x, y); } c.font = "30px Sans-serif"; if (window.options.weaponEsp) { y += 35; c.fillText(, x, y); c.strokeText(, x, y); } if (window.options.healthEsp) { y += 35; c.fillText( + ' HP', x, y); c.strokeText( + ' HP', x, y); } c.restore(); // skelly chams // note: this should probably be else where - it affects all players var material = e.legMeshes[0].material; if (window.options.chams) { material.alphaTest = 1; material.depthTest = false; material.fog = false; material.emissive.r = window.options.chamsRed material.emissive.g = window.options.chamsGreen material.emissive.b = window.options.chamsBlue material.wireframe = true; } else if (!window.options.chams) { material.alphaTest = 0; material.depthTest = true; material.fog = true; material.emissive.r = 0; material.emissive.g = 0; material.emissive.b = 0; material.wireframe = false; } } } } // auto reload if (window.options.autoReload) controls.keys[controls.reloadKey] = !haveAmmo(); // auto jump if (window.options.autoJump) inputs[JUMP] = (controls.keys[controls.jumpKey] && !me.didJump) * 1; // target selector - based on closest to aim var closest = null, closestAngle = Infinity; var players = world.players.list; if (!window.options.aimbot) return; for (var i = 0; && i < players.length; i++) { var e = players[i]; if (e.isYou || ! || !e.objInstances || !isEnemy(e)) { continue; } // experimental prediction // just use normal xyz values instead for potentially better aim :shrug: var scale = Math.min(1.6, e.dt / (consts.serverSendRate * consts.interpolation)); // this check is so that we don't shoot people that just respawn if (math.getDistance3D(e.x2, e.y2, e.z2, e.x, e.y, e.z) < 100) { e.x3 = e.x + (e.x2 - e.x) * scale; e.y3 = e.y + (e.y2 - e.y) * scale; e.z3 = e.z + (e.z2 - e.z) * scale; } else { e.x3 = e.x; e.y3 = e.y; e.z3 = e.z; } if (!isCloseEnough(e) || !canHit(e)) { continue; } var angle = calcAngleTo(e); if (angle < closestAngle) { closestAngle = angle; closest = e; } } // aimbot // hrt's big brain got a six pack var ty = controls.object.rotation.y, tx = controls.pitchObject.rotation.x; if (closest) { var target = closest; // No idea why public cheats are using target distance in aimbot calc // No idea why it's so difficult for people to not use magic numbers here var y = target.y3 + consts.playerHeight - (consts.headScale /* + consts.hitBoxPad*/ ) / 2 - target.crouchVal * consts.crouchDst; if (me.weapon.nAuto && me.didShoot) { inputs[SHOOT] = 0; } else if (!me.aimVal) { // me.recoilAnimY < 0.1 - if you want to shoot more slower and perhaps more accurately // inputs[CROUCH] = 1; // auto crouch inputs[SHOOT] = 1; inputs[SCOPE] = 1; } else { // inputs[CROUCH] = 1; // auto crouch inputs[SCOPE] = 1; } ty = math.getDirection(controls.object.position.z, controls.object.position.x, target.z3, target.x3); tx = math.getXDir(controls.object.position.x, controls.object.position.y, controls.object.position.z, target.x3, y, target.z3); // perfect recoil control..? tx -= .3 * me.recoilAnimY; } else { inputs[SHOOT] = controls.mouseDownL; inputs[SCOPE] = controls.mouseDownR; // inputs[CROUCH] = controls.keys[controls.crouchKey] * 1; // auto crouch } // silent aim const newY = (ty % Math.PI2).round(3); const newX = (tx % Math.PI2).round(3); inputs[xDr] = newX; inputs[yDr] = newY; if (!window.options.silentAim) { controls.object.rotation.y = newY controls.pitchObject.rotation.x = newX } } // only big iq people read this ttap#4547 // big up my boy hrt and ttap for releasing const handler = { construct(target, args) { if (args.length == 2 && args[1].includes('Seen')) { var script = args[1]; var hook = /(\w+)\['tmpInputs'\]\['push'\]\((\w+)\),/; var tokens = script.match(hook); var inputs = tokens[2]; var world = script.match(/(\w+)\['players'\]\['updateMesh'\]/)[1]; var consts = script.match(/(\w+)\['thirdPX'\],/)[1]; var me = script.match(/\((\w+)\|\|window\['spectating'\]\)/)[1]; var math = script.match(/\['xDr'\]\+(\w+)\['getDirection'\]/)[1]; var ttapParams = [me, inputs, world, consts, math]; // Doesn't make sense to hook aimbot anywhere else - unlike every other public cheat script = script.replace(hook, tokens[0] + '(' + hrtCheat.toString() + ')(' + ttapParams + '),'); //Remove clear rect inside overlay render. script = script.replace(/,\w+\['clearRect'\]\(0x0,0x0,\w+,\w+\)/, ""); //Hook overlay render and force menu to clear frame script = script.replace(/(\w+)\[\'render\'\]\((\w+),\w+,(\w+),\w+,\w+\),/, (a, b, c, d) => `${b}.canvas,true),(window.drawVisuals && window.drawVisuals(${b}.canvas,${c},${d})),${a} `); // remove renders script = script.replace(/'none'==menuHolder\['style'\]\['display'\]&&'none'==endUI\['style'\]\['display'\]\)/g, '!window.options.boxEsp && !window.options.weaponEsp && !window.options.healthEsp && !window.options.healthEsp)'); // all weapons trails on script = script.replace(/\w+\['weapon'\]&&\w+\['weapon'\]\['trail'\]/g, "true") // color blind mode script = script.replace(/#9eeb56/g, '#00FFFF'); // no zoom script = script.replace(/,'zoom':.+?(?=,)/g, ",'zoom':1"); // an extremely old canHit / autowall function creator that doesn't alter canSee // dumb asf but if it still works then should I touch it :thinking: var canSee = script.match(/this\['canSee'\]\=function.+?(?=return null;})/)[0] + "return null;}"; var canHit = canSee.replace(/canSee/g, "canHit"); canHit = canHit.replace(/\|\|0x0;/, "||0x0;var pcount=0;"); var player = canHit.match(/function\(([a-zA-Z0-9]*),/)[1]; var object = canHit.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\=this\['map'\]\['manager'\]\['objects'/)[1]; var statement = canHit.match(/\['transparent'\]\){(.+?(?=}))/)[1]; var ret = statement.match(/return [a-zA-Z0-9]*/)[0]; statement = statement.replace(ret, "{pcount+=1; if(pcount>1&&" + player + ".weapon.pierce>0.8){" + ret + "}}"); var search = canHit.match(/return [a-zA-Z0-9]*;\}/)[0]; canHit = canHit.replace(search, search + 'else if(' + object + '.active&&' + object + '.penetrable){' + statement + '}') search = canHit.match(/\![a-zA-Z0-9]*\['transparent'\]/)[0]; // todo: onhit logic doesn't make sense canHit = canHit.replace(search, "(!" + object + ".penetrable||!" + player + ".weapon.pierce)"); script = script.replace(",this['canSee']", "," + canHit + ",this['canSee']"); args[1] = script; } return new target(...args); } }; const decode = TextDecoder.prototype.decode; TextDecoder.prototype.decode = function () { var script = decode.apply(this, arguments); if (script.length > /*Lemons*/ 80000 && script[0] === '!') { var hook = /(\w+)\['tmpInputs'\]\['push'\]\((\w+)\),/; var tokens = script.match(hook); var inputs = tokens[2]; var world = script.match(/(\w+)\['players'\]\['updateMesh'\]/)[1]; var consts = script.match(/(\w+)\['thirdPX'\],/)[1]; var me = script.match(/\((\w+)\|\|window\['spectating'\]\)/)[1]; var math = script.match(/\['xDr'\]\+(\w+)\['getDirection'\]/)[1]; var ttapParams = [me, inputs, world, consts, math]; // Doesn't make sense to hook aimbot anywhere else - unlike every other public cheat script = script.replace(hook, (a, b) => { return `${a}window.hrtCheat(${ttapParams }),` }); //Remove clear rect inside overlay render. script = script.replace(/,\w+\['clearRect'\]\(0x0,0x0,\w+,\w+\)/, ""); //Hook overlay render and force menu to clear frame script = script.replace(/(\w+)\[\'render\'\]\((\w+),\w+,(\w+),\w+,\w+\),/, (a, b, c, d) => `,true),(window.drawVisuals && window.drawVisuals(${b}.canvas,${c},${d})),${a} `); // remove renders script = script.replace(/'none'==menuHolder\['style'\]\['display'\]&&'none'==endUI\['style'\]\['display'\]\)/g, '!window.options.boxEsp && !window.options.weaponEsp && !window.options.healthEsp && !window.options.healthEsp)'); // all weapons trails on script = script.replace(/\w+\['weapon'\]&&\w+\['weapon'\]\['trail'\]/g, "true") // color blind mode script = script.replace(/#9eeb56/g, '#00FFFF'); // no zoom script = script.replace(/,'zoom':.+?(?=,)/g, ",'zoom':1"); // an extremely old canHit / autowall function creator that doesn't alter canSee // dumb asf but if it still works then should I touch it :thinking: var canSee = script.match(/this\['canSee'\]\=function.+?(?=return null;})/)[0] + "return null;}"; var canHit = canSee.replace(/canSee/g, "canHit"); canHit = canHit.replace(/\|\|0x0;/, "||0x0;var pcount=0;"); var player = canHit.match(/function\(([a-zA-Z0-9]*),/)[1]; var object = canHit.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\=this\['map'\]\['manager'\]\['objects'/)[1]; var statement = canHit.match(/\['transparent'\]\){(.+?(?=}))/)[1]; var ret = statement.match(/return [a-zA-Z0-9]*/)[0]; statement = statement.replace(ret, "{pcount+=1; if(pcount>1&&" + player + ".weapon.pierce>0.8){" + ret + "}}"); var search = canHit.match(/return [a-zA-Z0-9]*;\}/)[0]; canHit = canHit.replace(search, search + 'else if(' + object + '.active&&' + object + '.penetrable){' + statement + '}') search = canHit.match(/\![a-zA-Z0-9]*\['transparent'\]/)[0]; // todo: onhit logic doesn't make sense canHit = canHit.replace(search, "(!" + object + ".penetrable||!" + player + ".weapon.pierce)"); script = script.replace(",this['canSee']", "," + canHit + ",this['canSee']"); TextDecoder.prototype.decode = decode; } return script; } })()
The only thing you need to watch for the upcoming presidential election
This Android app adds splash screen slides to make a great intro for an app.
It-Edit: an integrated terminal programming text-editor with many functionalities like a manpage reader, a documentation registering with direct accessing mechanism and many others settings and features.
mount/umount apps that you don't like on Android, without root.
The toolkit you're looking for
LOOKING FOR DEVELOPERS - Notepad2-mod, a Notepad2 fork, a fast and light-weight Notepad-like text editor with syntax highlighting
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Library for register/unregister PATH
W10 Service to adjust processes priority
Java Library for Accessing Red Hat
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an archlinux repo poking tool
App to set android's hidden RUN_IN_BACKGROUND permission. Requires root.
🗃️ Windows 7 Image Slipstream Utility
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Sudoko solver program
NO LONGER UPDATED. Win10 includes most of the functionality anyway. Basic Windows OS system monitor.
TWRP Builder website
Fixes some (apparently common) problems related to WiFi to make it work again.