
ERROR in No NgModule metadata found for 'PlaygroundModule'

willyboy opened this issue · 2 comments


Angular CLI: 9.1.7
Node: 12.4.0
OS: darwin x64

Angular: 9.1.9
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... language-service, platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic
... router
Ivy Workspace: Yes

Package                            Version
@angular-devkit/architect          0.901.7
@angular-devkit/build-angular      0.900.7
@angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr   0.900.7
@angular-devkit/build-optimizer    0.900.7
@angular-devkit/build-webpack      0.900.7
@angular-devkit/core               9.1.7
@angular-devkit/schematics         9.1.7
@angular/cdk                       9.2.4
@angular/cli                       9.1.7
@angular/flex-layout               9.0.0-beta.31
@ngtools/webpack                   9.0.7
@schematics/angular                9.1.7
@schematics/update                 0.901.7
ng-packagr                         9.1.5
rxjs                               6.5.5
typescript                         3.7.5
webpack                            4.41.2

Repro steps

  • npm run update to go from Angular 8->9
  • npm install angular-playground@7.0.3
  • ng serve (outputs the NgModule metadata error)

Observed Behavior

ERROR in No NgModule metadata found for 'PlaygroundModule'

Desired Behavior

NgModule has metadata and so can compile correctly.

Any other details that may be useful (optional)

      selector: 'pvd-root',
      overlay: false,
      modules: []


Take a look at the documentation on the main entry file on this page and see if that resolves your issue.

@lurock Thanks, that fixed it! I could have sworn I checked the docs for any updates before creating this bug (facepalm)