
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'n[l].apply')

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm using socketcluster-client on React Native and the app crashes sometimes when phone is idle... any guess on that?

Apparently something on component-emitter:

Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at 11 46 44 AM


@felippepuhle Maybe one of your event handlers was undefined. For example:

socket.on('myEvent', undefined);

Then when the myEvent event triggers, it tries to call the undefined function.

@jondubois unfortunately I couldn't find what's causing this yet, but only happens sometimes when the phone was idle and user try to open the app again...

Probably it's not this, 'cause I don't have any untracked event... only those that usually work without being idle previously

I made some changes on my authEngine, don't know if will fix it yet.


Found and fixed.

Apparently, a ping timeout was throwing an error and I had an undefined onError here: socket.on('error', onError)
