
How to pass the Ca cert of mongodb while running docker image

Rekha-Prakash opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected Behavior

Connecting to enterprise MongoDB with CA cert using docker image

Current Behavior

Not finding an option to pass the CA crt to the docket image.


I am trying to connect to the enterprise mongodb which has cert. How can I pass the cert while running restheart docker image?

Option 1: Using env variable, where can I pass the cert, as the environment variable only has MONGO_URI.

docker run --rm-p8080:8080 -e MONGO_URI='mongodb://mongoappuser:@<>:27117/?ssl=true&replicaSet=daas-mongodb&authSource=admin'-v/host/path/to/ softinstigate/restheart

Option 2 mounting property file to docker, Where can I pass the cert in restheart.yml or file ?

docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name restheart -v /git/restheart/etc:/opt/restheart/etc:ro softinstigate/restheart


This is how I'd do it:

You have to create the keystore by importing the certificate used by mongod with the keytool command

If you have a look at Connect to MongoDB over TLS/SSL in our documentation, you see how to do it outside a container.

Then I would run the container overriding its default ENTRYPOINT

FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jre

LABEL maintainer="SoftInstigate <>"

WORKDIR /opt/restheart
COPY etc/restheart.yml etc/acl.yml etc/users.yml etc/
COPY etc/ etc/
COPY target/restheart.jar /opt/restheart/
COPY target/plugins/* /opt/restheart/plugins/

ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8", "-server", "-jar", "restheart.jar", "etc/restheart.yml"]
CMD ["--envFile", "etc/"]
EXPOSE 8009 8080 4443

Which means:

$ docker run --rm-p8080:8080 -e MONGO_URI="<...>" --entrypoint "java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -jar restheart.jar etc/restheart.yml -e etc/" -v "/host/path/to/rhTrustStore:/opt/restheart/rhTrustStore" softinstigate/restheart

Also adding a -v to mount the file where the keystone is (named "rhTrustStore" in this example).

As mentioned, I have not tried this by myself yet.

closing, feel free to reopen for additional help