
VS2022, how to add reference to Softing.OPCToolbox

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I would like to build and test DemoServer_VS2017.
I have already build OTB.dll and now (I guess) I need to reference OTB.dll as Softing.OPCToolbox.

The issue is, I can't edit path here:

Nor manually add reference:

I was not able to find in programming guide, how to re-path or add this Softing.OPCToolbox reference ale which file to reference.

Hi there,

Captain here:

  • you'll have to remove the reference and add it again. If you're an advanced user, you can directly edit the csproj file.


I have the same issue to build and test ClientSamplesCS_VS2017 and I can't refenerce 'Softing.OPCToolbox'. Why we need to build OTB.dll? And I can't find OTB.dll in the download SDK.
What should I do or how can I find the user guide to show me how to reference 'Softing.OPCToolbox'?