
Vue CLI 3 pull request was merged

alexsandro-xpt opened this issue · 4 comments

The pull request aspnet/JavaScriptServices#1726 was merged how long will be ready to user for us?

The pull request aspnet/JavaScriptServices#1726 is still open and waiting to be accepted and merged by aspnet team.


What's the timescale for this?



You should ask Microsoft guys in a JavaScriptServices repository at

@SteveSandersonMS wrote:

As far as I'm aware, we don't have plans to introduce Vue-specific features. This isn't because we have anything against Vue, but rather just to limit the growth in the number of frameworks that we're maintaining support for. The dev team only has a finite capacity for handling third-party concepts, and last year we made the strategic choice to focus on only Angular and React.

@EEParker published ASP.NET Core Vue CLI middleware as a separate extension nuget package available at:

Middleware has been installed to the starter template, you can clone a new version with a full Vue support.