Monorepo for AdminJS and plugins
This is a wrapper repo for the entire AdminJS core with a couple of plugins. If you are a developer and you want to work on the AdminJS infrastructure - this is the right repository.
Join the community to get help and be inspired.
All AdminJS plugins are embedded as git submodules in packages
with a yarn workspace structure.
To clone the entire repo with all the dependencies (--recurse-submodules
) simply run:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
At the very beginning you have to bootstrap all project dependencies. Please use yarn bootstrap
script, VSCode task or just run
script from console.
$ yarn bootstrap
# or
$ chmod +x ./scripts/ && ./scripts/
Your local environment should bootstrap successfully. Then to work on an example app you need databases. If you have already run MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB on your host machine then skip this step. Otherwise, we made it easier for you with docker-compose. Enter the ./infrastructure
directory and run docker:
$ yarn docker:up
You will work on example app so to run it in dev mode with dev mode of AdminJS too just run:
$ yarn dev
or in two separate terminals
# first console
$ yarn workspace adminjs dev
# second console
$ yarn workspace example dev:watch
That's all. You can now open the admin panel on your browser: http://localhost:8080/admin. All changes you will make in AdminJS will be available after refresh page.
If you want to work on some plugins with auto re-build just modify watch
directories in the main package.json
) eg. to work on adminjs-design-system
"scripts": {
"start:example": "yarn workspace example dev:watch --watch ../../packages/adminjs-design-system/build"
or use two terminals with watch parameter of example app
# first console
$ yarn workspace @adminjs/design-system dev
# second console
$ yarn workspace example dev:watch --watch ../../packages/adminjs-design-system/build
This monorepo contains packages as git submodules. If you want to run a script from package just use yarn workspace [name] [script]
To list available workspaces run yarn workspaces info
For example to build AdminJS or some plugin run
# Build AdminJS
$ yarn workspace adminjs build
# Build AdminJS.Typeorm
$ yarn workspace @adminjs/design-system build
You don't have to use yarn link
As mentioned before, this repo contains other repositories as git submodules. You can change their branches, modify the content and commit changes to them separately. Committing to this repo won't affect any submodule.
To update submodules to the latest version use
# Use git strict command
$ git submodule update --remote
# or yarn script
$ yarn update:submodules
Repo also contains documentation of the project. To regenerate it you need to make some preparation:
- make sure you have all submodules on the master branch.
- documentation generates previews of react components which are not well handled. Documentation (parcel bundler to be exact) has to have one package.json from which it takes all dependencies like react, react-dom etc. In submodules each package has its own react dependency which causes multiple react versions to be bundled and previews won't work.
In order to fix that:
- remove node_modules from all of the packages
rm -fR */node_modules
- rename
(or something else) - do the same thing with
- Run docs command
yarn run docs
The documentation uses jsdoc along with the better-docs documentation template. Better-docs is included inside this repo as a submodule.
You can enter the better-docs
folder and develop documentation with live reload.
In case of any problems you might need to remove the .cache folder from the root repo (created by parcel bundler)
yarn install
cd better-docs
yarn install
DOCS=../adminjs/src/**/*,../docs-src/**/*,../adminjs-mongoose/**/*,../adminjs-hapijs/**/*,../adminjs-expressjs/**/*,../adminjs-sequelizejs/**/*,../adminjs-prisma/**/* yarn gulp
Docs are published on the firebase hosting. There is a current version (sitting in docs
and old versions (sitting in docs-old
In order to deploy it run firebase deploy
(after generating documentation of course) :) It will
deploy all firebase hosting targets stored in .fireabserc
AdminJS is copyrighted © 2023 It is a free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
We’re an open, friendly team that helps clients from all over the world to transform their businesses and create astonishing products.
- We are available for hire.
- If you want to work for us - check out the career page.