
Test of getting the shared course of students

Primary LanguageSwift


Test of getting the shared course of students

You are a developer for a university. Your current project is to develop a system for students to find courses they share with friends. The university has a system for querying courses students are enrolled in, returned as a list of (ID, course) pairs.

Write a function that takes in a collection of (student ID number, course name) pairs and returns, for every pair of students, a collection of all courses they share.

Sample Input:

student_course_pairs_1 = [
  ["58", "Linear Algebra"],
  ["94", "Art History"],
  ["94", "Operating Systems"],
  ["17", "Software Design"],
  ["58", "Mechanics"],
  ["58", "Economics"],
  ["17", "Linear Algebra"],
  ["17", "Political Science"],
  ["94", "Economics"],
  ["25", "Economics"],
  ["58", "Software Design"],

Sample Output (pseudocode, in any order):

find_pairs(student_course_pairs_1) =>
  "58,17": ["Software Design", "Linear Algebra"]
  "58,94": ["Economics"]
  "58,25": ["Economics"]
  "94,25": ["Economics"]
  "17,94": []
  "17,25": []

Additional test cases:

Sample Input:

student_course_pairs_2 = [
  ["0", "Advanced Mechanics"],
  ["0", "Art History"],
  ["1", "Course 1"],
  ["1", "Course 2"],
  ["2", "Computer Architecture"],
  ["3", "Course 1"],
  ["3", "Course 2"],
  ["4", "Algorithms"]

Sample output:

find_pairs(student_course_pairs_2) =>
  "3,1":["Course 1", "Course 2"]

Sample Input:

student_course_pairs_3 = [
  ["23", "Software Design"], 
  ["3", "Advanced Mechanics"], 
  ["2", "Art History"], 
  ["33", "Another"],

Sample output:

find_pairs(student_course_pairs_3) =>
  "23,3": []
  "23,2": []
  "3,2":  []
  "3,33": []
  "2,33": []

Complexity analysis variables:

n: number of student,course pairs in the input s: number of students c: total number of courses being offered (note: The number of courses any student can take is bounded by a small constant)

import Foundation;

let student_course_pairs_1 : [[String]] = [
  ["58", "Linear Algebra"],
  ["94", "Art History"],
  ["94", "Operating Systems"],
  ["17", "Software Design"],
  ["58", "Mechanics"],
  ["58", "Economics"],
  ["17", "Linear Algebra"],
  ["17", "Political Science"],
  ["94", "Economics"],
  ["25", "Economics"],
  ["58", "Software Design"],

let student_course_pairs_2: [[String]] = [
  ["0", "Advanced Mechanics"],
  ["0", "Art History"],
  ["1", "Course 1"],
  ["1", "Course 2"],
  ["2", "Computer Architecture"],
  ["3", "Course 1"],
  ["3", "Course 2"],
  ["4", "Algorithms"],

let student_course_pairs_3: [[String]] = [
  ["23", "Software Design"], 
  ["3",  "Advanced Mechanics"], 
  ["2",  "Art History"], 
  ["33", "Another"],