
Add metadata of the profile in machine-readable files

dgarijo opened this issue · 2 comments

We should add proper metadata of the profile on both the TTL and JSON-LD files:

  • authors
  • namespace
  • preferredNSPrefix
  • license
  • creationDate
  • version
  • version of it conforms to/extends
  • description
  • etc

Sounds good, can you perhaps point to an example we can base off? I'm less familiar with it.

Yeah, it's similar to this one:

<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
                            owl:versionIRI <> ;
                            <> "An example vocabulary designed to illustrate how to publish vocabularies on the Web following the FAIR principles"@en ;
                            <> "This is an example ontology to illustrate some of the annotations that should be included"@en ;
                            <> "The example ontology"@en ;
                            <> "February 5th, 2020"@en ;
                            <> "Daniel Garijo"@en ,
                                                               "Maria Poveda-Villalon"@en ;
                            <> <> ;
                            <> "exo"@en ;
                            <> "" ;
                            <> "Cite this vocabulary as: Garijo, D. and Poveda-Villalon, M. The example ontology 1.0.1."@en ;
                            rdfs:comment "An example vocabulary designed to illustrate how to publish vocabularies on the Web following the FAIR principles. This vocabulary describes three simple classes with 3 properties and a data property."@en ;
                            owl:backwardCompatibleWith <> ;
                            owl:priorVersion <> ;
                            owl:versionInfo "1.0.1"@en .