
Add direction to light gui params ?

clementroche opened this issue · 3 comments

When we use directionnal light we almost always change its direction using .lookAt()

This issue is not specific to THREE.Light objects. All objects extending THREE.Object3D have a lookAt method. This method is related to matrixWorld and, if this enhancement is discussed, should be applied to all instanced of THREE.Object3D.
Nevertheless, it could be an interesting feature if all the objects linked to three-dat.gui could be manipulated through a set of helpers for rotation, scale and position just like

Nevertheless, it could be an interesting feature if all the objects linked to three-dat.gui could be manipulated through a set of helpers for rotation, scale and position just like

@SolalDR If I understood correctly, I believe that the feature is already implemented (cf.

@bastienrobert We already can manipulate worldMatrix via a set of inputs so we can already change the direction of the light. What I'm talking about is a set of support helpers in the 3D scene to make these transformation more intuitive.