
Creating GenericSO via Createable attribute always fail for the first time

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If I have a new type of generic SO, creating it via "+" button on the Inspector always fail for the first try. The second time I do that, the creation always succeed. Anyway, here are the error messages.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create generic SO class (SO<T> : GenericScriptableObject)
  2. Create a class that reference to the newly created generic SO class [Creatable] public SO<MonoBehaviour> Test
  3. Create the instance of SO<MonoBehaviour> on the Unity Inspector with the "+" button.
  4. Notice that when first time creating it, it throw error
  5. When you click that button again, it succeed!

** Still usable tho, but of course, always suceed on the first try is easier :)



Thank you!

Hi, thanks for reporting the bug! It has been fixed, please update the package and try again