
Add birthday to contact info

Closed this issue · 5 comments

timbl commented
Add birthday to contact info

What exactly is meant here? It is already possible to add a birthday to a profile and it is also possible to add a friend. So I am not sure, I understand the issue?

I'm also not sure. as I just see, the birthday is only displayed when in "edit-profile" mode and not displayed on the public profile. maybe this was meant...

I wonder if it is not already existing... We can ask at the weekly meeting.

Yes it already has been added in the address-book contact and in the webId profile. These are different.
So the issue should be closed.

An other issue might be that the datepicker is not friendly for long ago dates and might be improved to allow at least manual value.

As with other date fields, if this is not taking the user's preferences into account, it should use the unambiguous ISO numeric format, i.e., YYYY-MM-DD, or one of the mixed numeric+string formats that identifies the month by name, instead of any potentially ambiguous presentation including but not limited to dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy