
People index is not updated when person name is changed

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Person name was updated in card to bourgeoa-solidcommunity and the change propagated to group but not to people index

@prefix : <#>.
@prefix vcard: <>.
@prefix ind: <Person/3f1aa39f-65a8-4562-93cc-a8786e6c8f61/index.ttl#>.
@prefix in: <index.ttl#>.
@prefix inde: <Person/4e48cbdd-159c-4d33-9f22-50b58d574d62/index.ttl#>.
@prefix i: <Person/71973c66-b198-4a64-a856-449ef9c1c6af/index.ttl#>.

ind:this vcard:fn "bourgeoa-8560"; vcard:inAddressBook in:this.

inde:this vcard:fn "bourgeoa-8530"; vcard:inAddressBook in:this.

    vcard:fn "";
    vcard:inAddressBook in:this.

see PR #43