
Delete contact error

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Error deleting thing <https://alain.localhost:8443/Contacts/Person/88273c31-f12c-4030-b32c-0bf2b7cbfb0e/index.ttl#this>: TypeError: st is undefined

This is called by

Succeed when replacing :
await kb.updater.updateMany(ds)
by :
for (let i in ds) await kb.updater.update(ds[i])

kb.updater.updateMany is a clone of

export async function updateMany (deletions, insertions) {
  const docs = deletions.concat(insertions).map(st => st.why)
  const uniqueDocs = Array.from(new Set(docs))
  const updates = =>
    kb.updater.update(deletions.filter(st => st.why.sameTerm(doc)),
      insertions.filter(st => st.why.sameTerm(doc))))
  return Promise.all(updates)

const uniqueDocs = Array.from(new Set(docs)) is incorrect because all objects are different, we must compare the content.
We can use rdflib.js sameTerm or equals that make a node key value comparison in something like :

const uniqueDocs = [] => {
    if (!uniqueDocs.find(item => item.sameTerm(doc))) uniqueDocs.push(doc)