
Address labelling specific to Country

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the labelling for adding an address
Locality and Region is hard to understand if you are from a country that doesn't use that naming. We will need to create a specific list for each country. But as an example.
Australia - uses Suburb and State.
USA - uses City and State.

Would be great if you picked your country first and based on that it could change the labelling and show the fields necessary for the specific country.

Nation first; then post code (if exists for that nation), which should trigger a lookup on that post code and auto-populate (at least as a suggestion) as much as possible (usually city & state/province/other-regions between city and nation). Two lines of "local address" is usually reasonable for that part -- can handle both apartment buildings and localities that don't have named streets and/or building/lot numbers....

Addresses are almost as complex as names!