
Difficulty entering date for birthday (in particular the year)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When you enter your birthday. In order to pick the year you have to use the data picker and scroll to find your year, then pick your month and day.

If you enter it directly, you can enter the day, then the month, when you get to year you can only enter 1 digit (not the 4 needed to complete a year). For instance, if you enter 1 for 1972. You get 0001. You can not enter any more than that first digit.

After further research this is a problem with the quickness of the "save". You can't enter the 4 digits quick enough before the data is saved. For discussion in SolidOS meeting.

What browser are you using ?
I have no problem with Linux Firefox (tried locally)

We discovered this is a problem with Chrome. For now, Chrome users need to use the date picker.

timbl commented

Looked at the Chromium bug tracker:
that would be where the bug should be is they know about it.