
New Contact function has broken

Opened this issue · 3 comments

timbl commented
New Contact function has broken
timbl commented

You type in the name of the new contact, but the card to edit the details never appears.
The logs say "Strange no evidence that x has anything to do with contacts". But the network logs say that the PATCH requests to the pod have been 200 Ok.

timbl commented
@@ updateMany to 3: <>,<>,<>
VM10:97 GET 404 (Not Found)
fetch @ VM10:97
fetchWithCredentials @ mashlib.js:273296
async function (async)
fetchWithCredentials @ mashlib.js:273294
authnFetch @ mashlib.js:272636
async function (async)
authnFetch @ mashlib.js:272628
fetch @ mashlib.js:271999
fetchUri @ mashlib.js:93706
pendingFetchPromise @ mashlib.js:93555
load @ mashlib.js:93543
update @ mashlib.js:106411
kb @ mashlib.js:106340
update @ mashlib.js:106338
(anonymous) @ mashlib.js:106308
updateMany @ mashlib.js:106307
saveNewContact @ mashlib.js:173504
async function (async)
saveNewContact @ mashlib.js:173472
craeteNewCard @ mashlib.js:174266
async function (async)
craeteNewCard @ mashlib.js:174248
(anonymous) @ mashlib.js:174414
mashlib.js:94159 Internal error - fetchQueue exists
mashlib.js:94167 *** Fetcher: pending fetchQueue deleted
mashlib.js:94159 Internal error - fetchQueue exists
mashlib.js:94167 *** Fetcher: pending fetchQueue deleted
mashlib.js:106487     UpdateManager: Return success 200 elapsed 1834ms
mashlib.js:106487     UpdateManager: Return success 200 elapsed 1279ms
mashlib.js:94159 Internal error - fetchQueue exists
mashlib.js:94167 *** Fetcher: pending fetchQueue deleted
mashlib.js:106487     UpdateManager: Return success 200 elapsed 1850ms


Error: Contact pane: No evidence that <> is anything to do with contacts.
mashlib.js:173714 contactsPane Rendered <>$rdf.sym('>'))
timbl commented

As though updateMany had not updated the Store.