
update vcard:hasMember to be ACL Group compatible without using owl:sameAs reasoning

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The actual implementation uses owl:sameAs reasoning to access the WebID. Working with NSS but not in CSS, this not considered good practice or strictly spec compliant.

see CommunitySolidServer/CommunitySolidServer#1464


group member webid. webid sames localthing. localthing name “Alan”.

Well first I don't know how to infer localthing list from group member

Does this allow a webid to appear in more than one contact in that case there is more than one localthing ?

  • Why not remove sameAs and have group member with all webid's + localthing's
    • this will work for ACL group they can check for webid in the group
    • to display the group in contacts pane we can filter on localthing name triple exists
  • an other model would consider having 2 different group's : #thing and #webid