
Contacts Group ACL : some tests on CSS and NSS

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm logged-in with
Group ACL is
and able to edit the file http://localhost/public/test.txt

The CSS server has been created using Start the server with npm run start
It is running CSS 5.0.1 and mashlib 1.8.5
This is part of the SolidOS development setup. Documentation is missing. Shall be soon


timbl commented

I went my AddressBook and was prompted to fix the group structure, agreed, it said it fixed t. But then people in the group could not get access.
The group file had before been hand-edited to have the webids directly as members of the group, like:

@prefix c2: <>.
# ...
c2:me owl:sameAs in:this; vcard:fn "Tim BL (at".

    a vcard:Group;
    vcard:fn "Office of TBL Staff";
    c:me, c0:me, c2:me, c3:me , c4:me .

but after the fix, it was the wrong way round, ending

# ...
<> <> <>.
<#this> <> "Office of TBL Staff";
    a <>;
    <> <>, <>, <>, <>, <>.

In this form the group access does not work with CSS.

I shall look at the code to see if there is a way to cover your situation (not the old data-model neither the new one).

To resolve your problem you can just apply the revert function in the tools and reload the contact-pane. The app will propose a migration that will work. Tested without issue.

timbl commented

I am working on a new version #82

Note you don't have to disturb the sameAs, you just hvee to change the hasMember.

It worked on my main contacts (61 changes)