
When a new thing is created in a folder it should be opened

Opened this issue · 4 comments

timbl commented

@bourgeoa Dec 20 03:57
Working on tiddliwiki connector to Solid I tried to create a file.json with the green + button
The file is created with no content. File size is zero. Is it only a UI bug or is it on purpose

timbl commented

At the moment the green plus creates the new object, like a file or folder or meeting, but does not open it. It is reasonable to assume the user wants to open it in the folder view.

timbl commented

Make sure the same pane is used as created the object, eg for a source file, the source file editor.

timbl commented

@RubenVerborgh no nodeSolidServer/node-solid-server#1011 is not a matching bug. This is a bug with the pane. That is a bug with the server.